sign in

o.mich.1.441 = HGV O.Mich. 1 441 = Trismegistos 42214 = michigan.apis.258

DDbDP transcription: o.mich.1.441 [xml]

AD 293 Karanis

θησ(αυροῦ) ὁριοδι(κτίας)(*) Καρανίδος
γενή(ματος) η (ἔτους) καὶ ζ (ἔτους) ὀνό(ματος)
Τιβερίνου δι(ὰ) κτη(νῶν)
Κυνοπ(ολίτου) δι(ὰ) Φαυῆ
5ὄν(ους) εἴκοσι εἱκοσιεις(*),
γ(ίνονται) κα.
[(ἔτους)] ἐνάτου καὶ η ((s-etous)) καὶ α ((s-etous))
Παῦ(νι) γ.


^ 1. l. ὁριοδει(κτίας)
^ 5. l. ἕνα

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APIS Translation (English)

Of the granary of the horiodeiktia of Karanis, of the crop of year 8 and 7, in the name of Tiberinus, through beasts of the Kynopolite nome, through Phaues, twenty-one donkeys, equal 21. Year ninth and 8th and 1st, Pauni 3.