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o.mich.1.445 = HGV O.Mich. 1 445 = Trismegistos 42217 = michigan.apis.174

DDbDP transcription: o.mich.1.445 [xml]

AD 293 Karanis

θη(σαυροῦ) ὁριδικ(*)(τίας) Καρανίδος
γενή(ματος) η (ἔτους) καὶ ζ (ἔτους) ὀνό(ματος) Πτολεμαίου Κοπρῆ
καὶ Πεηοῦ, Πτολεμαίου ἀπε̣ρ̣(γαζομένου) δι(ὰ) Πεη(οῦ),
δι(ὰ) κτη(νῶν) Ἀτ’τίνου δι(ὰ) Ἀριανοῦ
5ὄνοι(*) ἕξ, γ(ίνονται) ϛ.
(ἔτους) ἐνάτου καὶ η ((s-etous)) καὶ α ((s-etous))
Μεσορὴ ἐπαγομ̣(ένων)


^ 1. l. ὁρι(ο)δεικ
^ 4. ατ’τινου papyrus
^ 5. l. ὄνους

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APIS Translation (English)

Of the granary of the horiodeiktia of Karanis, of the crop of year 8 and 7, in the name of Ptolemaios, son of Kopres, and of Peeous, Ptolemaios's contribution being completed through Peeous, through beasts of Attinou (kome), through Arianus, six donkeys, equal 6. Year ninth and 8th and 1st, 1st intercalary day of Mesore.