sign in

o.mich.1.470 = HGV O.Mich. 1 470 = Trismegistos 42245 = michigan.apis.122

DDbDP transcription: o.mich.1.470 [xml]

AD 299 Karanis

θη(σαυροῦ) ὁριοδ(εικτίας) Καρανίδος
δε(κα)π(ρώτων) Σευηρίνο(υ) καὶ Ἀνδρίσ(κου)
γενή(ματος) ιδ (ἔτους) καὶ ιγ (ἔτους) καὶ ϛ (ἔτους) ὀνό(ματος)
Πρίσκος(*) Εὐδαίμονος δι(ὰ) κτη(νῶν)
5τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἀπὸ Μεχὶρ κα ἕως
κγ ὄνο(υς) δύο, γ(ίνονται) β.
(ἔτους) ιε ((s-etous)) καὶ ιδ ((s-etous)) καὶ ζ ((s-etous)) Μ̣ε̣χ̣(ὶρ) κ̣γ.


^ 4. l. Πρίσκου

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APIS Translation (English)

Of the granary of the horiodeiktia of Karanis, of the dekaprotoi Severinus and Andrias, of the crop of year 14 and 13 and 6, in the name of Priscus, son of Eudaimon, through beasts of the same, from Mecheir 21 to 23, two donkeys, equal 2. Year 15 and 14 and 7, Mecheir 23.