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o.mich.1.477 = HGV O.Mich. 1 477 = Trismegistos 42253 = michigan.apis.600

DDbDP transcription: o.mich.1.477 [xml]

AD 298/9 Karanis

θη(σαυροῦ) ὁριοδι(κτίας)(*) Καρανίδος δε(καπρώτων)
Σευηρίνο(υ) καὶ Ἀνδρίσ(κου) γενή(ματος)
ιδ (ἔτους) καὶ ιγ (ἔτους) καὶ ϛ (ἔτους) ὀνό(ματος) Σαραπᾶ
δι(ὰ) κτη(νῶν) ἰδί(ων) καὶ δι(ὰ) Μέλα
5Εὐδαίμωνος καὶ(*) δι(ὰ) Κόμο̣νο(ς)
ὄνοι(*) τρῖς(*), γ(ίνονται) γ.
γ̣(ίνονται) ὄνοι κ.


^ 1. l. ὁριοδει(κτίας)
^ 5. corr. ex ο̣ν̣
^ 6. l. ὄνους
^ 6. l. τρεῖς

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APIS Translation (English)

Of the granary of the horiodeiktia of Karanis, of the dekaprotoi Severinus and Andrias, of the crop of year 14 and 13 and 6, in the name of Sarapas, through his private beasts, and through Melas, son of Eudaimon, and through Komon, three donkeys, equal 3.;Equal 20 donkeys(?).