sign in

o.mich.1.61 = HGV O.Mich. 1 61 = Trismegistos 42393 = michigan.apis.35

DDbDP transcription: o.mich.1.61 [xml]

V/VI spc Arsinoite

† Μουσῆ Ἀρ(  ) (ἀρταβ (?)) ρο
Παμοῦν Πέτρος(*) (ἀρταβ (?)) ν
Βαρθ(ολομαῖος) γεωργ(ὸς) (ἀρταβ (?)) ρπ
Ἰσὰκ γεωργ(ὸς) (ἀρταβ (?)) ξ
5Ἠλίας Παμοῦν (ἀρταβ (?)) π
Σιγρίτι(ος(?)) πρ(εσβύτερος(?)) (ἀρταβ (?)) π (δραχμαὶ) π
Οὐενᾶβελ Πέτρος(*) (ἀρταβ (?)) π (δραχμαὶ(?)) π̣


^ 2. l. Πέτρου
^ 7. l. Πέτρου

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

Mouse, son of Ar(--): 170 artabai(?);Pamoun, son of Petros: 50 artabai(?);Bartholomaios, cultivator: 180 artabai(?);Isak, cultivator: 60 artabai(?);Elias, son of Pamoun: 80 artabai(?);Sigritios the elder: 80 artabai(?), 80 . . .;Ouenabel, son of Petros: 80 artabai(?), 80(?) . . .