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o.mich.3.1069 = HGV O.Mich. 3 1069 = Trismegistos 9951 = michigan.apis.19

DDbDP transcription: o.mich.3.1069 [xml]

AD 298 Karanis

θη(σαυροῦ) κώ(μης) Καρ(ανίδος) καὶ Ἱερᾶς Νεικ(ολάου)
γενή(ματος) ιδ (ἔτους) καὶ ιγ (ἔτους) καὶ ϛ (ἔτους) θείας
διατυπώσεως ὀν̣ό̣(ματος) Παλήμ(ονος)
σάκκοι δύο, γ(ίνονται) β. (ἔτους) ιε ((s-etous))
5καὶ ιδ ((s-etous)) καὶ ζ ((s-etous)) Φαῶφι κϛ.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

Of the granary of the village of Karanis and Hiera Nikolaou, of the crops of the 14th and 13th and 6th year, of the imperial delegatio, in the name of Palemon, two sacks, equal 2. In the 15th and 14th and 7th year, on Phaophi 26.