sign in

o.mich.3.1075 = HGV O.Mich. 3 1075 = Trismegistos 9954 = michigan.apis.903

DDbDP transcription: o.mich.3.1075 [xml]

AD 302? Karanis

[θη(σαυροῦ) ὁριο(δεικτίας) Καρ]αν(ίδος) γενήμα(τος)
[ιζ (ἔτους) καὶ ιϛ (ἔτους) καὶ] θ̣ (ἔτους) ὀνματος(*) Σατα-
[βοῦτος   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ Μ]εχεὶρ κϛ ὄν(ον) α
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] λ ὄν(ον) α καὶ Φα-
5[μενὼθ] κ̣ ὄν(ον) α
[(ἔτους) ιη ((s-etous)) καὶ ιζ ((s-etous)) καὶ ι ((s-etous)) ] Φαμενόθ.


^ 2. l. ὀν<ό>ματος

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APIS Translation (English)

[Of the granary of the horiodeiktia] of Karanis, of the crops [of the 17th and 16th and] 9th(?) year, in the name of Satabous [- - -], on Mecheir 26 1 donkey [- - -, on - - -] 30, 1 donkey, and on Phamenoth(?) 20(?), 1 donkey.;[In the 18th and 17th and 10th year], in Phamenoth.