sign in

o.mich.3.1076 = HGV O.Mich. 3 1076 = Trismegistos 9955 = michigan.apis.1152

DDbDP transcription: o.mich.3.1076 [xml]

AD 302 Karanis

[θησαυροῦ] κώ(μης) Καρνίδος(*)
[δεκ(απρώτου) Γερον]τίο̣υ̣ γενήμ(ατος) ιζ ((s-etous)) καὶ ιϛ ((s-etous)) καὶ
[ἐνάτου ἔτο]υ̣ς̣ ὀνόμ(ατος) Δούλου Ἀιών(εως)
[ὄνο]ι̣ γ.
5[(ἔτους) ιη ((s-etous)) καὶ] ιζ ((s-etous)) καὶ ι ((s-etous)) Φανενὼθ κη.


^ 1. l. Καρ<α>νίδος

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

[Of the granary] of the village of Karanis, [of the dekaprotos] Gerontios(?), of the crops of the 17th and 16th and [ninth] year, in the name of Doulos son of Aionis, 3 [donkeys]. [In the 18th and] 17th and 10th year, on Phamenoth 28.