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o.nyu.3 = HGV O.NYU 3 = Trismegistos 131730

DDbDP transcription: o.nyu.3 [xml]

ἔτους ζ Μεσορη κ̣ε τέ(τακται) ἐπ̣ὶ̣ τ̣ὴ̣ν̣
ἐν Διὸς π(όλει) τρά(πεζαν) ἐφ’ ἧς Ἀσκλη(πιάδης) ταρι(χ- ) τοῦ
αὐ(τοῦ) (ἔτους) Ὄννωφρις καὶ Ἁρ̣μάχορος
χα(λκοῦ) <oὗ> ἀλλ(αγὴ) δισχιλίας ὀκτακοσίας μ,
5(γίνονται) Βωμ. δρ̣α(χμαὶ) Γχ̣ϙ.
⁦ vac. ? ⁩ δ̣ι̣’ Ἀ̣σ̣κ̣λ̣η̣(πιάδου). Γ̣ϡϙ.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 131730 Translation (English) [xml]

1 Year 7, Mesore 25, have paid to the bank in Diospolis that Asklepiades is in charge of, for tari(ch- ) of the same year, 3  Onnophris and Harmachoros, in bronze with agio, two thousand eight hundred 40 ⟨dr.⟩, that is, 2,840 ⟨dr.⟩. 3,690 drachmas.
6  Through Asklepiades. 3,990 ⟨dr.⟩. (Translation: from edition with slight modifications)