sign in

o.tebt.5 = HGV O.Tebt. 5 = Trismegistos 26352 = berkeley.apis.2569

DDbDP transcription: o.tebt.5 [xml]

I spc Tebtynis

Ἀνυπῶυς ταριχευ-
τὴς Τῦβι κε ζύ̣(του) κ̣ε̣(ράμιον)
α ἐκτὸς ὧν ἔ-
λαβες(*) οὐκ ἐμα(*)
5ἀφʼ ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩(*).


^ 4. corr. ex ελε̣σεσ
^ 4. l. ἐμῶν
^ 5. l. ὧ<ν (?)>

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APIS Translation (English)

(Delivered to) Anupous, fish-salter, on Tubi 25, 1 jar of beer apart from those which you received which were not mine, and of which