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p.cair.isid.7 = HGV P.Cair. Isid. 7 = Trismegistos 10400 = michigan.apis.1515

DDbDP transcription: p.cair.isid.7 [xml]

AD 298/9- Karanis

ἐξ ἀπογραφῶν ἀρουρῶ(ν) Σαβείνου κηνσίτορος κώμης Καρανίδος
Ἡρακλῆς καὶ Ἀλέξανδρος ἀμφότεροι Ὡρίωνος ἀπὸ κώμης
Καρανίδος ἰδιω(τικῆς) σπο(ρίμης), ἐν ᾗ φοί(νικες) ϛ,
(ἄρουραι) μδ δ´ λβ´
5βασιλ(ικῆς) ἀβρόχου (ἄρουραι) γ 𐅵 η´ ξδ´
ἰδιω(τικῆς) ἀβρόχου, φοῖ(νιξ) α (ἄρουραι) ιη 𐅵 δ´ ιϛ´ λβ´ ξδ´
βασιλ(ικῆς) χέρσου (ἄρουρα) α
ὁριοδικτίας(*) τῆ[ς] αὐτῆς κώμης Καρανίδος
οἱ αὐτοὶ Ἡρακλῆς καὶ Ἀλέξανδρος ἀμφότεροι
10Ὡρίωνος ἀπὸ Καρανίδος
ἰδιω(τικῆς) σπο(ρίμης) (ἄρουραι) λζ δ´ λβ´ ξδ´
ἰδιω(τικῆς) ἀβρ[ό]χου (ἄρουραι) ζ 𐅵 η´ ιϛ´ ξδ´


^ 8. l. ὁριοδεικτίας

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

"Excerpt from land declarations (submitted for the census) of Sabeinos censitor;;Village of Karanis. Herakles and Alexander, both sons of Horion, of the village of Karanis.; Private land, sown, 6 date-palms therein 44 9/32 ar.; Royal land, uninundated 3 41/64 ar.; Private land, uninudated, 1 date-palm 18 55/64 ar.; Royal land, barren 1 ar.; Private land, sown 37 19/64 ar.; Private land, uninundated 7 45/64 ar."