sign in

p.mich.1.14 = HGV P.Mich. 1 14 = Trismegistos 1919 = michigan.apis.1826 = oxford-ipap.apis.554 = p.cair.zen.1.59071

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.1.14 [xml]

257 BC Philadelphia
[Reprinted from: p.cair.zen.1.59071] PCairZen1,59071

Νίκων Ζήνωνι χαίρειν. γεγράφαμεν Ἀρτεμιδώρωι \τῶι ἐλεάτρωι/ τὴν τιμὴν τῶν ἀβακείων(*), ὧν παρεθέμεθ[α]
παρʼ αὐτῶι, ἀποδοῦναί σοι, εἰ δὲ μὴ πεπράκαμεν, αὐτὰ τὰ τὰ ἀβάκεια(*). ἐὰν οὖν κομίσηι, ἀπόστειλο[ν]
ἡμῖν, ἐὰν μή σοι ἦι χρήσιμα.
5Νίκων περὶ τιμῆς ἀβακείων(*), Ζήνωνι.
κομίσασθαι παρὰ Ἀρτεμιδώρου.
(ἔτους) κθ, Ξανδικοῦ κη, ἐν Ἀλεξ(ανδρείαι).


^ r.1. l. ἀβακίων
^ r.2. l. ἀβάκια
^ v.5. l. ἀβακίων

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APIS Translation (English)

(Recto);;Nikon to Zenon greeting. We have written to Artemidoros the steward (eleatros) to deliver to you the price of the dishes which we deposited with him, or the dishes themselvesif we have not sold them. So if you receive them send them to us, unless they be of use to you. Farewell.;;(Verso);;To Zenon.;(Docket, 2nd hand) Nikon about the price of dishes, asking us to receive it from Artemidoros. (Received) year 29, Xandikos 28, in Alexandria.