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p.cair.zen.1.59083 = HGV P.Cair. Zen. 1 59083 = Trismegistos 738 = michigan.apis.1811 = oxford-ipap.apis.566 = p.mich.1.20

DDbDP transcription: p.cair.zen.1.59083 [xml]

257 BC Philadelphia
[Reprinted from: p.mich.1.20] PMich1,20

Πεισικλῆς Ζήνωνι χαίρειν. ὑπογέγρ[αφά σοι τοῦ ἀγορασθ]έντος διὰ Φιλοκράτους
ὄψου τὰς τιμάς· σκάρων ε καὶ τριγλῶν   ̣ [(δραχμ ) ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩, γλαυκίσκο]υ̣ α̣, καππάρου α, ἀμιῶν δ (δραχμὰς) β (ὀβολὸν),
ἑψητὸς (διώβολον) (ἡμιωβέλιον), ὄστρεα, χῆμαι λεῖαι καὶ τραχεῖ[αι ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩, ἀρ]τύματα χλωρὰ (ἡμιωβέλιον), συκάμινος (ἡμιωβέλιον),
ῥοῦς (ἡμιωβέλιον), τυρὸς (τέταρτον), ἅλες (τέταρτον), (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) ϛ̣ [(ὀβολὸς) α (ἡμιωβέλιον)].
Πεισικλῆς περὶ ὄψου τοῦ ἀγορασθέντος
διὰ Φιλοκράτους (δραχμῶν) ϛ (ὀβολοῦ) α 𐅵. (ἔτους) κθ,
Δαισίου κα, ἐν Ἀρσινόηι.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

(Recto);;Peisikles to Zenon, greetings. I have written hereunder for you the price of the food [bought] through Philokrates:;5 parrot-wrasses (skaroi) and . . red mullets (triglai), [. . . drachmai];;1(?) [bluish green fish (glaukiskos)], 1 cammarus (kapparos), 4 tunnies (amiai), 2 drachmai 1 obol;;small fish boiled (hepsetos), 2 obols 1/2;;oysters, smooth and rough clams [- - -];;fresh condiment, 1/2 obol;;sycamore-fig (sykaminos), 1/2 obol;;sumach fruit, 1/2 obol;;cheese, 5 obols;;salts, 5 obols;;(equal) 6 drachmai [1 obol 1/2].;Farewell.;;(Verso);;To Zenon.;(Docket, 2nd hand) Peisikles, about the food bought through Philokrates, 6 drachmai 1 obol 1/2. (Received) year 29, Daisios 21, in Arsinoe.