sign in

p.chic.haw.7c = HGV P.dem. Chic. Haw. 7 c = Trismegistos 8615 = chicago.apis.2

DDbDP transcription: p.chic.haw.7c [xml]

245 BC Hawara

(ἔτους) γ Παῦνι β Σοχώτης
χα(λκοῦ) (διώβολον) \(ὀβολοῦ 1/2)/, δ´.
(ἔτους) γ Παῦνι β ὁμολογεῖ Περίστρα-
τος διαγεγραφέναι ἐπὶ τῆς Πύ-
5θωνος τρ(απέζης) τῆς ἐγ(*) Κροκοδίλων
πό(λει) βασιλεῖ Σοχώτης(*) Παυῆτος
τέλος γ´ μέρους οἰκίας τῆς
ἐν τῶι Λαβυρύνθωι ἡς(*) ἐπέ-
θηκεν αὐτῶι Πατῆρις Ἀχομ-
10μνεύιω̣ς (δραχμῶν) κ χαλ(κοῦ) (διώβολον) (ἡμιωβέλιον) ἀλλα(γὴ) δ´


^ 1,ext.5. l. ἐν
^ 1,ext.6. l. Σοχώτην
^ 1,ext.8. l. ἧν

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APIS Translation (English)

P. O.I. 25260 (P. Chic. Haw. 7C), recto: scriptura interior: (Year ) 3, Payni 2, Sochotes, in br(onze) 2 1/2 obols, 1/4 obol. recto: scriptura exterior: (Year) 3, Payni 2. Peristratos agrees that Sochotes, son of Paues, has paid to the King at the b(ank) of Python in Crocodilopo(lis) the tax on a third of a house in the Labyrinth that Pateris, son of Achommneuis, has made to him, on (a price of) 20 (drachmas) a tax of 2 1/2 bronze obols, (on which there is an) agio of 1/4 obol.