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p.col.10.274 = HGV P.Col. 10 274 = Trismegistos 10563 = columbia.apis.p307

DDbDP transcription: p.col.10.274 [xml]

AD 208/9 ?

((filler)) [ἐκ βιβλιοθ]ήκ̣η̣ς [ἐ]νκ[τ]ήσεω̣ν Ἀρσινοείτου ἐκ παραθέσεων ἀγοραστῶν Ῥωμαίων λοιπά
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ το]υ̣ τόμο[υ] κ̣ολ[λ(ήματος)] σ κολλημάτων πέντε ((filler))
[Φλαουία Π]τολλα̣[ρο]ῦ̣ς ιζ (ἔτους) Φα[ρ]μ̣οῦθι ε ἐπέδωκεν ὑπόμνημα διὰ φροντιστοῦ
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]δώρου δη̣λ̣[οῦ]σα ἐσχη̣κέν̣[α]ι κατὰ χάριν ἀν̣αφαίρετον δ̣ι̣ὰ τοῦ κ̣α̣ταλογείου
5[τῷ   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]τι ἔτει Φα̣με̣νὼθ ὑπὸ τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτῆς Μάρκου Φλαουίου Διογένους
[τὰς ὑπαρχ]ο̣ύ̣σας τῷ υ̣ἱῷ αὐτ(οῦ) Μάρκῳ Φλαουίῳ Στρατίππῳ οὐ[δέ]πω ὄντι τῶν ἐτῶ[ν]
[περὶ κώμη]ν Φιλα̣δ̣έ̣λ̣[φ]ειαν Ἡρακλείδου κλήρου κατοικ(ικοῦ) (ἀρούρας) [  ̣  ̣] ἐν β τόποις καὶ
[  ̣  ̣  ̣ κλήρου] κατο[ικ] (ικοῦ) (ἀρουρ ) [  ̣]γ καὶ [κλ]ήρου   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ἀ̣πὸ ἐκκοπ(ῆς) [ἐλαιῶν]ο̣ς (ἀρούρας) β 𐅵, οὐσ(ιακῆς) ἀ[  ̣  ̣]
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ πα]ρ̣ὰ τοῦ πατρὸς Φλαουίου Διογένους κ[ατὰ] δ̣η(μόσιον) χρη[μ(ατισμόν)   ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣ντ[α τῷ] π̣ροδιε[λ-]
10[θόντι ἔτει] μη[ν]ὶ Και[σ]αρείῳ διὰ γραφείου Πτολεμαΐδο̣[ς Ἀ]ράβων εἰ̣ς τὸ τὴ[ν]
[παράθεσιν] γενέσθαι ἀκ̣ο̣λ̣[ού]θως τῷ ἀναπε[μ]φ̣θ̣έ̣ν̣τ̣ι̣ [  ̣  ̣  ̣ σ]υνχ̣[ω]ρ̣ή[ματι.]
[- ca.9 - ἀπ]ογρα(  ) τὰς διαστολάς. (hand 2) ζ [  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣ προα̣  ̣ετ   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ [  ̣]υ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]προκι̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
[- ca.12 -]καταχω̣[ρ]ισμ̣(  ). ἔτους ἑπτακα̣ιδεκάτου Α̣ὐτοκ[ρατόρων Κα]ισάρων [Λουκίου]
[Σεπτιμίου Σεου]ήρου Εὐ̣σ̣ε̣β̣οῦς [Π]ερτίν̣α̣κ[ος] Ἀ̣ρ̣αβικοῦ Ἀδιαβην̣ικο[ῦ Παρθ]ι̣κοῦ μεγ̣ί̣[στου καὶ]
15[Μάρκου Αὐρηλίο]υ Ἀντω[νί]νου Εὐσε̣β̣ο̣ῦς Σεβ̣α̣σ̣τῶ[ν] καὶ Πουβ̣[λ]ί̣ο̣υ̣ Σεπ̣[τιμ]ί̣ο̣υ̣ Γ̣έ̣τα Κ̣[αί]σαρ[ος Σεβασ-]
[τοῦ   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ πεντ]εκαιδεκάτῃ. ((filler))

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APIS Translation (English)

(Red X's) From the property archives of the Arsinoite (nome), from the depositories of the Roman purchasers (. . . from the nth) volume, 200th column, for 5 (columns) (red x's). [Flavia] Ptollarous, in year [1]7, on the 5th of Pharmouthi, submitted a memorandum through (her) guardian ---doros, notifying that she has obtained by an irrevocable deed of gift (made) through the record office in the --- year in the month of Phamenoth by her father Marcus Flavius Diogenes, (of property belonging?) to his son Marcus Flavius Stratippos, not yet being of age, around the village of Philadelphia, in the Herakleides Division: [numeral] arourai of katoikic land in two places and [ ]3 arourai of katoikic land and 2 1/2 arourai of . . . land from clearance of an olive orchard, domain land . . ., (having been presented as a gift?) by (her) father Flavius Diogenes through a public notarization (validated?) in the preceding year in the month of Kaisareion through the registry of Ptolemais Arabon, in order that a deposit may be made in accordance with the referred agreement . . . write(s) the statements. (2nd hand) . . . year seventeen of Emperors Caesars Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Arabicus Adiabenicus Parthicus Maximus and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Augusti and Publius Septimius Geta Caesar Augustus . . . fifteenth (red x's).