DDbDP transcription: p.col.10.288 [xml]
AD 330 ?
1[ -ca.?- ] ̣μι τῶν δεσποτῶν̣
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ουμ ̣ν ἀλλὰ καὶ των ̣ ̣ ̣
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] κ̣ε̣λευσθέντα ὑπὸ τοῦ
δ̣ι̣α̣σ̣η̣μοτάτου ἐπάρχου τῆς Αἰγύπ(του)
5Φλ(αουίου) Ὑγείνου περὶ τοῦ τοὺς κεκτη-
μ̣ένους καμήλους τὸ πέμπτον̣
μ̣έρος τῷ [ἱ]ερω̣τάτ̣ῳ τ̣α̣μ̣ίῳ
παρασχεῖν, κέκτηται ὁ(*) αὐτὸς
γεοῦχός μου Ῥοῦφος καμήλους
10ὀ̣κτώ , ὧν ἀρρέ̣νας τέσσαρες
ο̣ὕ̣τως· τέλε̣ιον ἕνα, πώλους τρῖς ,
θ̣η̣λίας ὁμοίως τέσσαρα, ὧν
τ̣ε̣λ̣ί̣ας τρῖς , πωλάδαν μ̣ίαν,
̣ ̣ ̣ ἔστιν ἐκ τε̣σ̣σ̣άρων ἀρρένων
15 ̣ ̣σαριον ἓν ἀ̣πογράψασθαι
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣βεβα̣ι ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ αὐτὴν
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ἔχει ὁ αὐτὸς γεοῦχος καὶ μὴ
δ̣ι̣ε̣ψ̣ε̣ῦσθ̣α̣ι ἢ ἔνοχος εἴην τῷ θ̣είῳ̣ ὅ̣ρκῳ.
[ὑπα]τ̣ί̣α̣ς Φλ(αουίου) Γαλλ(ικανοῦ) καὶ Οὐαλ(ερίου) Συμ(μάχου) τῶ̣ν
20[λαμ]π̣(ροτάτων) Τῦβι ε.
(hand 2) [Αὐρήλιο]ς̣ Ῥο͂φος(*) δ̣ι̣ʼ ἐμοῦ Διδύμο̣υ̣
[ὀμώμοκα τ]ὸν θε̣ῖον ὅρκον ὡς π̣[ρόκ(ειται)].
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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APIS Translation (English)
. . . ordered by the most excellent prefect of Egypt Fl. Hyginus, concerning the owners of camels furnishing the fifth part to the most sacred fiscus, my same landlord Rufus possesses eight camels, of which four are male, to wit: one adult, three foals; likewise, four females, of which three are adult, one foal, that is, from four males one . . . to register . . . the same landlord has, and that I have not lied in any respect or may I be liable to the imperial oath. In the consulate of Fl. Gallicanus and Valerius Symmachus the most illustrious, Tybi 5. (2 H.) I, Aurelius Rufus, through me, Didymos, have sworn the imperial oath as aforesaid.