DDbDP transcription: p.col.3.30 [xml]
256 BC Philadelphia
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1χ[αίρειν.] ἐ̣νέτ[υχεν](*)
ἡμῖν Εὐτυχίδης
ἀξιῶν γράψαι σοι
περὶ τοῦ χαλκίου.
5καλῶς ἂν οὖν ποιήσαις
τὸ τάχος ἐπισκευ-
άσας ἵνα ἀποδοθῆι
τοῖς κυρίοις.
vac. ?
ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) λ Φαῶφι β. v
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APIS Translation (English)
......greeting. Eutychides met me and asked that I write you about the copper kettle. Please make arrangements as soon as possible that it be restored to the owners. Good-bye. Year 30, Phaophi 2. [Verso:] To Zenon.