DDbDP transcription: p.col.3.34 [xml]
254 BC Philadelphia
Ἀπο̣λ̣λ̣[ώνιος Ζήνωνι χαίρειν. σύλλαβε τὸν γενόμενον ταμίαν τοῦ]
ζυτοπ̣[ωλίου -ca.?- ]
αἰτία[ς -ca.?- ]
ἔψευστ̣[αι γὰρ φάμε]νος αὑτ[ῶι] τὰς χε̣[ῖρας -ca.?- ]
5προσεν̣[ηνοχότα]. γράψον ἡμ[ῖν] ὅπως [εἰδότες ὅ τι φάσκει Πάις(?)]
ἀντεπ[ιστείλωμ]έν σοι περὶ α[ὐ]τοῦ. μέχρι ἂ̣[ν ἡμεῖς παραγενώμεθα περὶ]
τούτ̣ω̣ν̣ [παρακα]τ̣άστησο̣[ν α]ὐ̣τὸν εἰς τ̣[ὸ ἐργαστήριον τοῦ]
ζυτοπ[οιοῦ καὶ σ]ύνταξον \ἐργάζεσθαι καὶ/ προσέχειν [τὸν νοῦν πᾶσι]
τοῖς κατ[ὰ τὸ ἐργασ]τήριον.
10 vac. ? ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) λα Δύστρου κα̣ [Φαμενὼθ κη]. v
(ἔτους) λα, Φαμενὼθ κθ.
Ἀπολλώνιος περὶ τοῦ
ἐκ τοῦ ζυ(τοπωλίου) ταμίου γε(νομένου).
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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APIS Translation (English)
Apollonios (to Zenon, greeting. Arrest the former treasurer) of the beer- selling concession.--- [statement about Ammeneus] -- For he has lied in the statement that ---- laid hands upon him. Write to me in order that (I may know what Pais [?] has said) and that I may send a counter- statement to you about him. Until I arrive to discuss these matters, place him in charge of the brewery and order him to go to work and to give his attention to all matters relating to the shop. Good-bye. Year 31, Dystros 21, (Phamenoth 28)