DDbDP transcription: p.col.3.36 [xml]
254 BC Philadelphia
Παῦνι α. δὸς Νε-
χθενεῖβι (δραχμὰς) λ εἰς (μυριάδας) β̣
Ἁρμάχι (δραχμὰς) ιε εἰς (μυριάδα) α
Παᾶπι (δραχμὰς) ιε εἰς (μυριάδα) α
5Τεῶτι (δραχμὰς) ιε εἰς (μυριάδα) α
Φάβιτι (δραχμὰς) ιε εἰς (μυριάδα) α .
(γίνονται) (μυριάδες) ϛ . (ἔτους) λβ Παῦ̣ν̣[ι α].
vac. ?
Πετοσῖρις Ζήνωνι
χαίρειν. δὸς Νεχθε-
10νεῖβι πλινθουλκῶ̣ι̣
εἰς (μυριάδας) β πλ(ίνθων) (δραχμὰς) λ
καὶ Ἁρμάχι εἰς (μυριάδα) α (δραχμὰς) ιε
καὶ Παᾶπι εἰς (μυριάδα) α (δραχμὰς) ιε
καὶ Τεῶτι εἰς (μυριάδα) α (δραχμὰς) ιε
15καὶ Φάβιτι εἰς (μυριάδα) α (δραχμὰς) ιε.
ἔγγυος Ψένως.
vac. ?
ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) λβ
Παῦνι α. v
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APIS Translation (English)
[Outer Text] Payni 1. Give to Nechtheneibis 30 dr. for 20,000 [bricks,] to Harmachis 15 dr. for 10,000 ["] to Paapis 15 dr. for 10,000 ["] to Teos 15 dr. for 10,000 ["] to Phabis 15 dr. for 10,000 ["] total, 60,000 ["] Year 32, Payni 1. [Inner Text] Petosiris to Zenon, greeting. Give to Nechtheneibis, brickmaker, for 20,000 bricks, 30 dr. and to Harmachis, for 10,000 ["] 15 dr. and to Paapis, or 10,000 ["] 15 dr. and to Teos, for 10,000 ["] 15 dr. and to Phabis, for 10,000 ["] 15 dr. Surety, Psenos. Good-bye. Year 32, Payni 1.