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p.col.4.107 = HGV P.Col. 4 107 = Trismegistos 1820 = columbia.apis.p106

DDbDP transcription: p.col.4.107 [xml]

III sac Philadelphia

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
ὑ̣πόμνημα Αἰγύπτωι.
ἀ̣να̣γαγεῖν ἡμῖν ⟦ὡς ἂν⟧ ἐγ(*) Μέμφεως
ῥίσκον ἕως (δραχμῶν) ϛ, ἀορτὴν ὀνικόν,
5καὶ ἐκ τῆς Θηβαίδος ἱματον(*) μν(ῶν) γ 𐅵 ἕως (δραχμῶν) κη.


^ 1. T. Evans, Tyche 36 (2021) 183-184 (KorrTyche 999) : ἔρρ̣ω̣σο. prev. ed.
^ 3. l. ἐν
^ 5. l. ἱμάτ<ι>ον

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APIS Translation (English)

Good-bye. Memorandum for Aigyptos --- to bring up from Memphis a basket (paying) up to six drachmas, (namely) a pack basket for a donkey, and from the Thebaid material for garments of 3 1/2 minas weight, (paying) up to 28 drachmas.