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p.col.4.86 = HGV P.Col. 4 86 = Trismegistos 1799 = columbia.apis.p85

DDbDP transcription: p.col.4.86 [xml]

ca. 245-242 BC Philadelphia

ὑπόμνημα Εὐκλεῖ
παρὰ Ὥρου καὶ Πάσιτος
τὴν Κυνοπολῖτιν
γῆν τὴν παρα̣κο̣μισ-
5θεῖσαν ἡμ̣ῖ̣ν̣ πρ̣ό̣τε-
ρον, μείξαντε̣ς̣ α̣ὐ-
τὴν τῆς ἐκ Κερκέους
γῆς, κατειργάσ̣μεθα
ἤδη πᾶσα̣ν. ἀλ̣λ̣ὰ̣ ν̣υ̣-
10νὶ ἀλλὴ̣ ἥκι(*) γῆ Κυ-
νοπολῖτις ε̣ἰ̣ς̣ ἡ̣μ̣ᾶ̣ς̣.
δεήσει μεῖξαι
πάλιν̣ τ̣αύ̣τ̣η̣ν̣
τῆς ἐκ Κ̣ε̣ρ̣κ̣έ̣ο̣υ̣ς̣
15γῆς. ἐν̣τ̣υ̣γ̣χ̣ά̣ν̣ο̣μ̣έ̣ν̣ σοι
συντάξαι ἐ̣π̣ε̣ν̣ε-
χθῆναι ἐκ Κερ̣κ̣έ-
ους γῆν ὅπως π̣ᾶ̣-
σαν τὴν γ̣ῆ̣ν̣ ἐ̣ρ̣γ̣α̣σ̣ώ̣-


^ 10. l. ἥκει
^ 21. l. εὐτύχει

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APIS Translation (English)

Memorandum to Eukles from Horos and Pasis. We have mixed the Kynopolite earth which was previously supplied to us with earth from Kerke, and we have now worked it all up. But now more Kynopolite earth has come for us. It will be necessary again to mix this with the earth from Kerke. We request you to direct that earth from Kerke be brought to us, so that we may work up the whole amount of earth. Good-by.