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p.col.7.176 = HGV P.Col. 7 176 = Trismegistos 10529 = columbia.apis.p211

DDbDP transcription: p.col.7.176 [xml]

AD 325 Karanis

ὁμολογεῖ Αὐρηλία(*) Ταμάλεις Ἁτρῆ̣ς̣ μητρὸς
Ταπάειτος ἀπὸ κώμης Καρ̣ανε̣ίδος ὡς ἐτῶ̣ν
τριάκοντα οὐλὴ καρπ̣ῷ χειρὸς δ̣εξιᾶ̣[ς]
ἔχειν κ̣[α]ὶ̣ μεμαιτρῆσθε(*) παρὰ Εὐτ̣ρ̣ο̣π̣ε̣ίο̣υ̣
5Ἀρχεία̣ τ̣ῆς Ἀρσινοει[τ]ον̣(*) πό[λεω]ς̣διὰ Ποῆ-
ρ̣ιν(*) προνοητ̣οῦ π̣υ̣ρ̣ο̣ῦ̣ σ̣ὺ̣ν̣ εἱμιολειας(*)
ἀρτ̣άβ[α]ς λη 𐅵 ἅσπερ ἐπά̣ν̣α̣γ̣κ̣ο̣ν ἀποδώ-
σιν αὐ̣τὴ̣ν̣ δὲ τὴν ὁμολογοῦσα̣ν̣ ἐ̣νπρ̣οθεσ-
μ̣ε̣ὶ̣ ἐν μ̣η̣νεὶ(*) Παῦνει τοῦ ἐνεσ̣τ̣ῶ̣τος
10ἔτους ⟦μ̣[έ]τ̣ρῳ τετραχοινείκ̣ῳ⟧(*) ἀπ̣ὸ γενήματος ιδ (ἔτους) ἰνδεικτί-
ωνος(*) μ̣[ε]τρο(*) τετραχυνείκῳ(*) τ̣[ὸ] γ̣έ̣νος νέον
καθα̣[ρὸν] ἄδολον εὐάρεστον(*) ἀνυπερ-
θέτω[ς], ἐπεὶ(*) δὲ τῆς̣ ἀπε[τ]ήσεως(*) γ̣εί-
ν̣εσθ[αι] τῷ Εὐτρο̣[π]είῳ τὴν̣ π̣ρᾶξιν ἐκ
15τε τῆς̣ ὁμολογουν̣το(*) εἲ(*) καὶ ἐ̣κ̣ [τ]ῶ̣ν̣ ὑπαρ-
χόντων αὐτῆς πάντων̣ κ̣α̣θ̣άπερ
ἐκ δίκη̣ς, καὶ̣ ἐπερωτηθ̣εὶς(*) ὡμολόγησ(εν).
ὑπατείας Πα[υ]λ̣είνου κα̣ὶ Ἰουλειανοῦ
τῶν λαμπροτ[ά]τ̣ων, Θ̣ὼ̣θ ια.
20Αὐρηλία Ταμάλεις ἔσχον τ̣ὰ[ς το]ῦ πυροῦ
ἀρτάβας τριάκοντα ὠκτὼ̣(*) ἥμισοι(*)
καὶ ἀποδωσο(*) τῇ προθεσμίᾳ ὡς πρόκειται.
Χαιρέας ἔγρα[ψ]α πὲρ(*) αὐτῆς ἀγραμμάτου.
χι(ρόγραφον)(*) Ταμά̣λ̣ε̣ι̣ [Ἁτρῆ πυροῦ] (ἀρταβῶν) λη 𐅵.


^ r.1. corr. ex ααυρηλια
^ r.4. l. μεμετρῆσθαι
^ r.5. l. Ἀρσινοιτῶν
^ r.5-6. l. Ποῆ|ριος
^ r.6. l. ἡμιολίᾳ
^ r.9. l. μηνὶ
^ r.10. l. τετραχοινίκῳ
^ r.10-11. l. ἰνδικτί|ωνος
^ r.11. l. μ[έ]τρῳ
^ r.11. l. τετραχοινίκῳ
^ r.12. corr. ex αρηστο̣ν̣
^ r.13. l. ἐπὶ
^ r.13. l. ἀπαιτήσεως
^ r.15. l. ὁμολογούση<ς>
^ r.15. l. ἢ
^ r.17. l. ἐπερωτηθεῖσα
^ r.21. l. ὀκτὼ
^ r.21. l. ἥμισυ
^ r.22. l. ἀποδώσω
^ r.23. l. <ὑ>πὲρ
^ v.24. l. χει(ρόγραφον)

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APIS Translation (English)

Aurelia Tamaleis, daughter of Hatres and Tapaeis, from the village of Karanis, about thirty years old, with a scar on the wrist of the right hand, acknowledges that she has received and has had measured out to her from Eutropios, son of Archias, inhabitant of the city of the Arsinoites, through his agent Poeris, 38 1/2 artabas of wheat including, the additional one-half, which she, the acknowledging party, is of necessity to repay without delay on the appointed day in the month of Pauni of the present year from the crop of the 14th indiction, using the four-choinix measure, in quality fresh from the harvest free from dirt, unadulterated, and in good condition, and that upon a request for payment, [after default], Eutropios is to have the right of execution upon the acknowledgibIt party and all her possessions as in accordance with a legal decision, and upon formal interrogation she acknowledged (the above). In the consulate of Paulinus and Iulianus the most illustrious, Thoth 11. I, Aurelia Tamaleis, have received the thirty-eight and a half artabas, of wheat, and I will repay them on the proper day as aforesaid. I, Chaireas, wrote for her because she is illiterate. Verso Note of hand of Tamaleis [daughter of Hatres for] 38 1/2 art. [of wheat].