DDbDP transcription: p.col.8.242 [xml]
V spc Arsinoite
κὲ(*) πρίν με γράψε(*) οὐκ ἀγνοείσοι(*) εἱ(*) <σὴ> θ̣αυμα̣σιότης ὁς(*) ὅτι οὐκ ᾐ[τ]ή̣θ̣ι(*) ἀπὸ Καρανίδος πρὸς τὸ οἰκίσε(*)
αὐτὸν τὴν κόμιν(*) οὔτε μὶν(*) ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣εσε(*) τῷ Βασιλῆ(*). κὲ(*) γ[ὰ]ρ ἐ[ν τῇ ἐχ]θὲς ῥιφθίς(*) μοι η ̣[ ̣] ̣[ -ca.?- ]
πα̣ρ̣ὰ τ̣ο̣(*) κεφα̣λεω̣τ̣ῇ(*) πρὸς μεθοδίαν φανεροῦ κέρματος τ̣ο[ῦ]τον ζητήσ[ας] μ̣εθο[δεῦσαι] π̣ερ̣ιε̣ρό\ν/-
5χασέν(*) μοι κὲ(*) ἐβουλ[ήθ]ι(*) μοι ἐπελ̣θῖν̣(*) ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣δ̣ ̣ ̣ τ̣ὸ̣ν ἐ̣ρ̣[ίν]α̣ρχο̣[ν](*) καὶ τὸν ἄλλο\ν/
λιτουργὸ̣[ν](*) τοῦτον ἐδυνιθιν(*) μεθοδεῦσε(*) τ̣[ο]ῦ κυδαδιτινος ἕνεκε̣ν̣. ὁ αὐ̣τὸς̣ ἐκῖνος(*)
συνάξας αὐτοῦ τοὺς διαφερέρ̣οντας(*) κάθισμα ἐποίεισεν(*) το(*) εἰρινάρ̣χ̣ῳ(*) τοῦτον μέ̣λ̣ο̣ν̣(*)
ἀνελῖν(*) πρὸς τὸ τούτο(*) γ⟦ ̣⟧ιγνομένου(*) τοῦ λυποῦ(*) μίτε(*)μερισμὸν μήτε ἄλλο τι ἀπόκρη-
σιν(*) αὐτοὺς ποιεῖν· κὲ(*) γὰρ ἐν τῇ σήμερον οὔ̣τʼ εἰ̣ρίναρχος(*) οὔτε ἄλλος τις εἶλθε(*)πρός με διʼ ὃ ἐπά-
10θα̣μεν(*) τῇ ἐχθὲς ἀλλὰ ἁπλ̣ο͂ς(*) ο̣ὕτο(*) καθ[ιζ]όμεθα μ̣ιδὲν(*) π̣όλεμο̣ν̣ ποιο[ῦ]ντες.
^ 2. l. καὶ
^ 2. l. γράψαι
^ 2. l. ἀγνοήσει
^ 2. l. ἡ
^ 2. l. ὡς
^ 2. l. ᾐτήθη
^ 2. l. οἰκίσαι
^ 3. l. κώμην
^ 3. l. μὴν
^ 3. l. ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣εσαι
^ 3. l. Βασιλεῖ
^ 3. l. καὶ
^ 3. l. ῥιφθείς
^ 4. l. τῷ
^ 4. l. κεφαλαιωτῇ
^ 4-5. l. περιερρόγ|χασέν
^ 5. l. καὶ
^ 5. l. ἐβουλήθη
^ 5. l. ἐπελθεῖν
^ 5. l. εἰρήναρχον
^ 6. l. λειτουργὸν
^ 6. l. ἐδυνήθην
^ 6. l. μεθοδεῦσαι
^ 6. l. ἐκεῖνος
^ 7. l. διαφέροντας
^ 7. l. ἐποίησεν
^ 7. l. τῷ
^ 7. l. εἰρηνάρχῳ
^ 7. l. μέλλων
^ 8. l. ἀνελεῖν
^ 8. l. τούτου
^ 8. l. γιγνομένου
^ 8. l. λοιποῦ
^ 8. l. μήτε
^ 8-9. l. ἀπόκρι|σιν
^ 9. l. καὶ
^ 9. l. εἰρήναρχος
^ 9. l. ἦλθε
^ 9-10. l. ἐπά|θομεν
^ 10. l. ἁπλῶς
^ 10. l. οὕτω
^ 10. l. μηδὲν
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APIS Translation (English)
Even before my writing, your worship will not be unaware that there the people from Karanis are not concerned to inhabit their village, nor indeed to pay their taxes to the emperor. And in fact yesterday, I had (so-and-so) flung before the kephalaiotes for collecting a certain sum of money. When I attempted to collected from this man, he snorted his contempt for me and wanted to attack me ... and thanks to the eirenarch and the other liturgist, I was able to collect from this one. Yet, I know not why, that very same man, gathering the members of his household and laid siege to the eirenarch, intending to kill him so that if this occurred they would from then on pay neither merismos nor any other payment. For today neither an eirenarch nor anyone else has come to me because of what we experienced yesterday, so we just sit here as we are, not doing anything. . .