sign in

p.corn.18dupl = HGV P.Corn. 18 = Trismegistos 20910 = michigan.apis.1228 = michigan.apis.3465

DDbDP transcription: p.corn.18dupl [xml]

AD 291 Oxyrhynchus

Αὐρηλίῳ Διογένει τῷ καὶ Ἑρμίᾳ(*) συστάτῃ τῆς [λ]αμπρᾶς
καὶ [λα]μ̣προτάτης Ὀξυρυνχειτῶν(*) πόλεως [τ]οῦ ἐνε-
στῶτος ζ (ἔτους) κ[αὶ] ϛ (ἔτους) παρὰ Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Ἀπίωνος
Φιλίππου μητρὸς Ἀπιάδος Ἀλθ<αι>έως(*). βούλομαι πρώτως
5ἀπογραφῆν[α]ι ἐπʼ ἀμφόδου Δρόμ̣ου Θοήριδος τοὺς
γεγ[ον]ότας μοι ἐκ τῆς γενομένης μοι κα̣ὶ̣ μετηλ-
λαχυείης(*) μου γυνεκὸς(*) Τισοίτος Σαραπάμ̣μ̣ωνος
Ε̣ὐ̣τ̣υ̣χίδου τοῦ καὶ Σαραπίωνος μητρὸς Θατοῆτος, ἀπὸ
τῆ[ς λ]αμπρᾶς καὶ λαμπροτάτη[ς] Ὀξυρυνχε[ι]τῶν(*) πόλεως
10υἱοὺ[ς](*) Αὐρηλίους Φίλ̣ιππον μὲν ὄντα πρὸς στο(*) αὐτὸ ἐν-
εστὸς ζ (ἔτος) καὶ ϛ (ἔτος) ἐτῶν ιγ, Γάιον δὲ ὁμοίως ὄντα πρὸς
στο(*) [αὐ]τὸ ἐνεστὸς ζ (ἔτος) καὶ ϛ (ἔτος) ἐτῶν ε ἀμφοτέρους
(δωδεκαδράχμους) [ἀπ]ὸ γυμνασίου, καὶ Μέλανο̣υ̣ν̣(*) τὴν καὶ Ἀνουβί-
εναν(*) οὖσαν πρὸς στο(*) αὐτὸ ζ (ἔτος) καὶ ϛ (ἔτος) ἐτῶν ιε, Ταήουν
15ὁμοί[ω]ς οὖσαν πρὸς στο(*) αὐτὸ ἐνεστὸς ζ (ἔτος) καὶ ϛ (ἔτος)
ἐτῶ[ν] ζ. διὸ ἐπιδίδωμι τὸ ὑ(*)πόμνημα ἀξιῶν αὐ-
τοὺς τ[α]γῆναι ἐν τῇ τῶν ὁμηλίκων τάξ̣ει(*) ὡς κα-
θήκει, καὶ ὀμνύω τὸν ἔθιμον [Ῥω]μέων(*) ὅρκον
μὴ ἐ[ψ]εῦσθε(*) /. (ἔτους) ζ Αὐ̣τ̣οκράτορος Καίσαρος
20Γ[αί]ου(*) Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίο[υ] Διοκλητιανοῦ καὶ (ἔτους) ϛ
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μ[άρκου] Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίου
Μαξιμιανοῦ Γερμανικῶν [Μ]ε̣γ̣ί̣σ̣των Εὐσεβῶν Εὐτυ-
χῶν Σεβαστῶν, Ἐπὶφ(*) γ̣  ̣ Αὐρήλιος Ἀπίων Φιλίππ[ου]
ἐπιδέδωκα καὶ ὤμοσα τὸν ὅρκον.
25(hand 2) Δρόμ(ου) Θ̣ο̣ή̣ρ̣ιδ(ος).
Φίλιππος (ἐτῶν) ιγ
Γάϊ(*)ος (ἐτῶν) ε
γ(υναῖκες)(*) Μελανοῦς ἣ κ[αὶ] Ἀν[ουβ]ίαινα (ἐτῶν) ιε
Ταῆυς (ἐτῶν) ζ
30τέκνα Ἀπίω(νος) τοῦ Φιλίππου. πραγμ(ατευτὴς)


^ 1. or Ἑρμείᾳ
^ 2. l. Ὀξυρυγχιτῶν, or Ὀξυρυγχ(ιτῶν)
^ 4. or Ἀλθαιέως, BL 2.2.49 : Ἄλθεως (or Ἀλθαίεως) prev. ed.
^ 6-7. or μετηλ|λαχυίης, l. μετηλ|λαχυίας
^ 7. or γυναικὸς, l. γυναικὸς
^ 9. l. Ὀξυρυγχ[ι]τῶν
^ 10. or υ(ϋ)ἱ(ϊ)οὺς
^ 10. or τὸ, l. τὸ
^ 12. or τὸ, l. τὸ
^ 13. Y. Broux (image) (via PN) : Μελανᾶ̣ν̣ prev. ed.
^ 14. or Ἀνουβίαιναν
^ 14. or τὸ, l. τὸ
^ 15. or τὸ, l. τὸ
^ 16. ϋπομνημα papyrus
^ 17. or τάξι
^ 18. l. [Ῥω]μαίων, or [Ῥω]μαίων
^ 19. l. ἐ[ψ]εῦσθαι
^ 20. or γαι(ϊ)ου
^ 23. or Ἐπειφ
^ 27. γαϊοσ papyrus
^ 28. BL 2.2.49 : θ(υ)γα(τέρες) prev. ed.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

"To Aurelius Diogenes also called Hermias, nominator of the glorious and most glorious city of Oxyrhinchus for the current 7th year and 6th year, from Marcus Aurelius Apion, son of Philip, his mother being Apias, daughter of Altheus. I wish that my sons, born to me from my former wife, who is dead, Tisois, daughter of Sarapammon, son of Eutychides also called Sarapion, her mother being Thatous, of the glorious and most glorious city of Oxyrhinchus, should for the first time be registered in the quarter of Thoeris Square - the Aurelii, Philip, who is in the same current 7th year and 6th year thirteen years of age, and Gaius likewise, who is in the same current 7th year and 6th year five years of age, both subject to the twelve drachma tax and members of the ymnasium; and Melanas also called Anubiaina, who is in the same 7th year and 6th year fifteen years of age, likewise Taeus, who is in the same current 7th year and 6th year seven years of age. Therefore I hand in the memorandum, requesting that they be enrolled in the class of their equals as is fitting. And I swear the customary oath of the Romans that I have made no false statement.;Year 7 of Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus, Germanici, the Highest Pious and Fortunate Augusti, Epeiph 30. I, Aurelius Apion, son of Philip, have handed it in and I took the oath.;2nd hd. Thoeris Square. Philip aged 13. Gaius aged 5. Daughters: Melanas also called Anoubiaina, aged 15; Taeus aged 7. Children of Apion, son of Philip." Signed: "Noukekies, assistant official."

APIS Translation (English)

"To Aurelius Diogenes also called Hermias, nominator of the glorious and most glorious city of Oxyrhinchus for the current 7th year and 6th year, from Marcus Aurelius Apion, son of Philip, his mother being Apias, daughter of Altheus. I wish that my sons, born to me from my former wife, who is dead, Tisois, daughter of Sarapammon, son of Eutychides also called Sarapion, her mother being Thatous, of the glorious and most glorious city of Oxyrhinchus, should for the first time be registered in the quarter of Thoeris Square - the Aurelii, Philip, who is in the same current 7th year and 6th year thirteen years of age, and Gaius likewise, who is in the same current 7th year and 6th year five years of age, both subject to the twelve drachma tax and members of the gymnasium; and Melanas also called Anubiaina, who is in the same 7th year and 6th year fifteen years of age, likewise Taeus, who is in the same current 7th year and 6th year seven years of age. Therefore I hand in the memorandum, requesting that they be enrolled in the class of their equals as is fitting. And I swear the customary oath of the Romans that I have made no false statement.;Year 7 of Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus, Germanici, the Highest Pious and Fortunate Augusti, Epeiph 30. I, Aurelius Apion, son of Philip, have handed it in and I took the oath.;2nd hd. Thoeris Square. Philip aged 13. Gaius aged 5. Daughters: Melanas also called Anoubiaina, aged 15; Taeus aged 7. Children of Apion, son of Philip." Signed: "Noukekies, assistant official."