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p.customs.132a = HGV P.Customs 132 a = Trismegistos 10610 = upenn.apis.24 = p.fay.174

DDbDP transcription: p.customs.132a [xml]

AD 125 Bacchias
[Reprinted from: p.fay.174] PFay174

τ̣ε̣τ̣ε̣λ(ώνηται) δι(ὰ) πύλ(ης) Βακχι̣(άδος) λι(μένος)
Μέμφεως Νινν̣ᾶς̣
ἐξάγ(ων) φοίνικ(ος) ὄνο̣(ν) ἕ-
να ἀρτάβ(ας) τέσσαρ[ας] .
5ἔτους ἐνάτου Τρα̣ι̣[ανοῦ]
Ἁδριανοῦ τοῦ κυρίο̣υ̣
Ἐπεὶφ τεσ̣σ̣α̣ρ̣εσκα̣ι̣δ̣εκ[άτῃ,]
ιδ. (hand 2) Λεω(  ) σεση(μείωμαι). ἔτ̣[ου]ς̣
ἐ[νάτο]υ̣ Ἐπεὶφ τεσ̣σ̣α̣ρ̣ε̣σ̣-
10κ̣α̣ι̣δ̣εκάτῃ, ιδ.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

"Ninnas has paid [the tax] for the harbor of Memphis at the gate of Bakchias, exporting four artabas of dates on one ass, in the ninth year of Traianus Hadrianus the lord, on the fourteenth of Epeiph. Signed by Leo[ ], in the ninth year on the fourteenth of Epeiph." (A. Fandl)