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p.customs.378 = HGV P.Customs 378 = Trismegistos 28531 = michigan.apis.2638

DDbDP transcription: p.customs.378 [xml]

II/III spc Anoubias

τετελ(ώνηται) διὰ πύλ(ης) Ἀν̣ου̣β̣ιά̣(δος) λ̣ι̣(μένος) Μέμφ(εως)
Αὐρήλ(ιος) Ἀμμω(  ) <πρὸς> ἀπεργασί(αν) κάμηλ(ον)
θήλ(ειαν) μυόχ(ρουν) α. (ἔτους) β Θὼθ
νεομ̣η̣ν̣ί̣ᾳ̣, α.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

(Recto);;Paid, through the gate-house of Anoubias, the (customs duty) for the harbor of Memphis, by Aurelius Ammo(--), on 1 mouse-colored female camel, for work. Year 2, on the first of Thoth, 1.