sign in

p.flor.2.206 = HGV P.Flor. 2 206 = Trismegistos 11075

DDbDP transcription: p.flor.2.206 [xml]

III spc Theadelphia


The text presented here includes two new lines. They are lines 9-10 and were edited in AnalPap 23-24 (2011-2012) p. 119. They were written on a fragment which was found in the Prague collection and joined neatly onto the bottom of the existing fragment.

π(αρὰ) Ἰσχυρίωνος.
τοῖς προπέμπουσι
καμήλοις οὖσι τὸν ἀρι-
θμὸν ιδ Πολύκαρ-
5πον καὶ Πρωτῦν παρά-
σχες τὰς συνήθεις τροφάς.
ἐρρῶσθαί σε
εὔχομαι φίλ(τατε)
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ Ἡρ]ωνείνῳ φρον(τιστῇ) ⟦Διονυσιάδος⟧ Θρασῶ
10[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]// Ἁθὺρ ε

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