sign in = HGV P.Got. 1 = Trismegistos 11290 = gothenburg.apis.131

DDbDP transcription: [xml]

AD 140 Karanis

ἔτους τρίτου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τίτου
Αἰλίου Ἁδριανοῦ Ἀντωνίνου Σεβαστοῦ
Εὐσεβοῦς. εἴργ(ασται) ὑπὲρ χω(ματικῶν) ἔργων τοῦ
αὐτοῦ γ (ἔτους). (hand 2) Παῦνι ϛ ἕως ι ἐν διώ(ρυγι)
5Ἀργαι(*)τι(δος) Καρανίδος. (hand 3) Πτολε̣μ̣(αῖος)
Ἡρακλ[  ̣  ̣](  ) το(ῦ) Πεθέως (μητρὸς) Θερμουθ(  ).
(hand 4) Μαρίων σεσημ(είωμαι).


^ 5. αργαϊτι papyrus

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APIS Translation (English)

In the 3rd year of the reign of Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Pius. Work on the dikes has been performed during this 3rd year. (2nd hand:) From 6th to 10th Pauni, in the canal of Argaïtis, in Karanis. (3rd hand:) Ptolemy, son of Herakl..., ..., son of Petheus and of Thermouth... (4th hand:) I, Marion, signed.