sign in

p.hib.1.73 = HGV P.Hib. 1 73 = Trismegistos 8222

DDbDP transcription: p.hib.1.73 [xml]

243-242 BC Hibeh

Ἀντίγ[ονος Δωρί]ω̣νι χαίρειν. ἔ[γραψας περὶ Καλλιδρό-]
μου \τ[οῦ Καλλικρά]τ̣ο̣υ/ ὥ̣[στε ἔ]τ̣ι καὶ νῦν ἐπαν[αγκάσαι αὐτὸν τὸν ὄνον]
ἀποδοῦν[αι] \[τῶι κυρί]ω̣ι̣/ [ἢ τι]μ̣ὴ̣ν αὐτῶι ⟦  ̣  ̣ [- ca.17 -] ⟧
ὁ Καλλίδρο[μος] δὲ τὸν Δ̣ω̣ρί̣ω̣ν̣[α - ca.16 -]
5\ὅπως [  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣] ἐνέγκηι/ ⟦και εαν  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣]ρη̣⟧δ̣  ̣να ἀπολυ[- ca.17 -]
πρᾶξαι δ̣[ὲ αὐ]τὸν τιμὴν τοῦ ὄ[νου (δραχμὰς) κ. ἐγὼ οὖν ἡσυ-]
χῆι μὲν κα[τὰ τὴ]ν ⟦π⟧ γραφεῖσάν μο[ι ὑπὸ σοῦ ἐπιστολὴν]
ἀπήγαγον [τὸν] Κ̣α̣[λλίδ]ρομον ε[ἰς τὸ ἐν Σινάρυ δεσμω-]
τήριον ἵνα τ[ὸ ὑποζ]ύγιον ἀπ̣[οδῶι Δωρίωνι, Πάτρων δὲ]
10ὁ \ἀρχι/φυλακίτης \τῆ[ς κάτω] τοπαρχίας/ πα̣ρ̣[αγε]νόμενο[ς] ε[ἰς τὸ δεσμωτήριον]
\τὸ ἐν Σινάρυ/ ἐξήγαγεν τὸν Καλλίδρομον [ἐκ τοῦ δεσμωτηρίου]
ὥστε μὴ δύνασθαι \ἡμᾶς/ τὴν πρᾶξιν π̣[οιήσασθαι ⟦εκ του⟧] \κατὰ τὸ/
\διάγραμμα/ ⟦σωματος⟧ τόν τε ὄνον ἀναγαγ[ὼν εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν]
καὶ ἔχων \ἐν Τακόναι/ παρʼ αὑτῶι ἐγ(*) μέσου ἀ̣[φῄρηκεν αὐτὸν.]
15εἰ οὖν μὴ ἠρρωστήσαμεν επ̣[- ca.16 -]
⟦ον⟧ \⟦αν⟧/ εἰλήφειν ἂν παρʼ αὐτοῦ διά [τινος μαχαιροφό-]
ρου. ἔγραψα οὖν σοι περὶ τούτων [ὅπως εἰδῆις(*) εἶναι]
αἴτιον τοῦ μὴ γενέσθαι τῶι Δω[ρίωνι ἀπόδοσιν τὴν]
Πάτρωνος βίαν, ὃς ἀπειθῶν δια[τετέλεκε τοῖς πα-]
20ρὰ σοῦ προστάγμασιν. ἔ[ρρωσο. (ἔτους) δ   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]


^ 14. l. ἐκ

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HGV 8222 Translation (English) [xml]

1  Antigonos to Dorion, greetings. You wrote concerning Kallidromos: for me now, at last, to force him to give back the donkey or pay him (i.e., the donkey’s owner) its value. But Kallidromos… Dorion… to exact from him the value of the donkey, 20 drachmas. Therefore quietly, in accordance with the letter you wrote me, I led Kallidromos off to the desmôtêrion in Sinaru so that he might give the donkey back to Dorion; but Patron, the phylakitês, arriving at the desmôtêrion, released Kallidromos from the desmôtêrion, with the result that I could not exact the money. He led the donkey off to his house and is keeping it there, out of sight. If I had not been unwell, I would have taken it from him by means of a machairophoros. I have written to you concerning these matters so that you may know that the violence of Patron is responsible for the fact that the restoration to Dorion did not take place. Patron has continued to disobey your commands. Farewell. Year 4, …. (J. Bauschatz, Law and Enforcement, pp108–109)