sign in

p.lund.2.5 = HGV P.Lund. 2 5 = Trismegistos 41035 = lund.apis.34 = sb.5.8092

DDbDP transcription: p.lund.2.5 [xml]

ca. AD 500 ?
[Reprinted from: sb.5.8092] SB5,8092

[κυ]ρίῳ μου ἀδελφο(*) Λεόντιο(*) Χρυσαρὶς
ἡ θυγάτερ(*) Ἀμβροσίου χ(αί)ρ(ειν).
[γεί]νοσκε(*), ὁς(*) ὥτι(*) ἔ̣μαθον, ὥτι(*) εἰς
[Ναρ]μοῦθιν οἰκῖς(*) πολλοῦ τοῦ χρόνου
5[καὶ ο]ὐκ ἠθαίλησα(*) ἐρθῖν(*) ἐκῖ(*) πρὸς
[σὲ δ]ὶα ἐξαγογὴν(*)δυναμένη ἐνῖ-
[κα]ι(*) μετʼ ἐμοῦ καὶ Ἠλίαν τὸν κλιβαναρε̣ν(*)
[τὸ]ν διαφέροντά μου καὶ δυνάμενόν
[σε] ἀπετῆσαι(*) καὶ πολλωστόν(*). ὡ(*) αὐτὸς
10[Ἠ]λ̣ίας εἶπέν μ[ο]υ̣(*), ὅτι καὶ γράμματα
λαμβανο(*) παρὰ τοῦ ἐπισκόπου
[ἢ] π̣αρὰ τ̣οῦ βικ̣αρίου πρὸς τοὺς
[πολι]τευομένους, εἴ σαι(*) μεθοδεύ-
[σ]ουσιν καὶ οὐκ ἠθέληκα διὰ τὸν
15[ἔλ]εον(*), εἵνα(*) μὴ ἐξαγογὴν(*) πάθῃς.
[ἐθ]έλησον οὖν ἀποτῖλε(*) τὰ δύ-
[ο ὁ]λοκώτ’τινα(*) ἤ, ἂν θελήσῃς,
[ἐλ]θο(*) ἐκῖ(*). ἀντίγραψόν μου(*) καὶ ἔρ-
[χ]ο̣με(*) πρὸς σαὶ(*) ἢ ἂν μὲν πάλιν
20θ̣[έλῃ]ς ἀποστῖλοί(*) μοι τὸ οἵμοισοι(*)
(τάλαντα(?)) Η ὡς ἄρτι σποστιλον(*) καὶ με-
τὰ ὀλίγας ἡμέρας, ὃ πρόλοιπον.
ἐρρο͂σθαί(*) σε
εὔχομαι πολλοῖς
25χρόνοις, κύριε.
ἀπόδος Λεον‖τίῳ(*) Κυμινᾶ παρ(ὰ)
Χρυσαρίτος θυγ‖ατρὸς(*) Ἀμβροσίου.


^ r.1. l. ἀδελφῷ
^ r.1. l. Λεοντίῳ
^ r.2. l. θυγάτηρ
^ r.3. l. [γί]νωσκε
^ r.3. l. ὡς
^ r.3. l. ὅτι
^ r.4. l. οἰκεῖς
^ r.5. l. ἠθέλησα
^ r.5. l. ἐλθεῖν
^ r.5. l. ἐκεῖ
^ r.6. l. ἐξαγωγὴν
^ r.6-7. l. ἐνεῖ|[κα]ι
^ r.7. l. κλιβανάριον
^ r.9. l. ἀπαιτῆσαι
^ r.9. l. πολλοστόν
^ r.9. l. ὁ
^ r.10. l. μοι
^ r.11. l. λαμβάνω
^ r.13. l. σε
^ r.15. l. [ἔλ]αιον
^ r.15. l. ἵνα
^ r.15. l. ἐξαγωγὴν
^ r.16. l. ἀποστεῖλαι
^ r.17. l. [ὁ]λοκόττινα : [ο]λοκωτ’τινα papyrus
^ r.18. l. [ἔλ]θω
^ r.18. l. ἐκεῖ
^ r.18. l. μοι
^ r.18-19. l. ἔρ |[χ]ομαι
^ r.19. l. σὲ
^ r.20. l. ἀποστεῖλαί
^ r.20. l. ἥμισυ
^ r.21. l. ἀπόστειλον
^ r.23. l. ἐρρῶσθαί
^ v.26. l. Λεοντίῳ
^ v.27. l. θυγατρὸς

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APIS Translation (English)

Recto: To my lord brother Leontios, Chrysaris, the daughter of Ambrosius, greeting. Be aware that I learned that you have been living in Narmouthis quite some time ago, and I did not want to come there to you because of the ejectment, even though I could also take with me Elias the baker who is my dependant and could collect from you. And many times the same Elias told me - I'm also going to get letters from the bishop or the vicarius to the councillors if they are going to collect from you.- And I did not want to for God's sake, lest you suffer ejectment. Please therefore send me the 2 solidi. If you want me to come there, write back to me, and I will come to you. If again you want to send me the half, 8,000 talents?, send it immediately, and the balance within a few days. I pray for your health for a long time, my lord. Verso: Deliver to Leontios the cumin seller from Chrysaris daughter of Ambrosios.