sign in

p.lund.6.5_2 = HGV P.Lund. 6 5 1 = P.Lund. 6 5 5 = P.Lund. 6 5 4 = P.Lund. 6 5 3 = P.Lund. 6 5 2 = Trismegistos 20116

DDbDP transcription: p.lund.6.5_2 [xml]

ca. AD 187-91 ?
[Reprinted from: sb.6.9355] SB6,9355

καὶ κη (ἔτους) Μεχεὶρ δ διέγρ(αψεν) ὁ αὐτὸς
ὑπ(ὲρ) ἑρμηνίας(*) δραχ(μὰς) τέσσαρες(*) (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) δ.


^ 2. l. ἑρμηνείας
^ 2. l. τέσσαρας

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.lund.6.5_5 [xml]

ca. AD 187-91 ?
[Reprinted from: sb.6.9355] SB6,9355

(ἔτους) λα Φαρμοῦθι ϛ
διέγρ(αψεν) Εὔτυχος Εὐ-
τύχους μερεις(μοῦ)(*) το-
παρχ(ίας) (δραχμὰς) δ.


^ 3. l. μερις(μοῦ)

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.lund.6.5_1 [xml]

ca. AD 187-91 ?
[Reprinted from: sb.6.9355] SB6,9355

(ἔτους) κζ Τῦβι ιβ
Εὔτυχος Εὐτύχου[ς]
[δ]ι̣[έγρ(αψεν(?))] ὑπ(ὲρ) ἑρμηνίας(*) δραχμ(ὰς)
τέσσαρες(*) (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) δ.


^ 3. l. ἑρμηνείας
^ 4. l. τέσσαρας

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.lund.6.5_4 [xml]

ca. AD 187-91 ?
[Reprinted from: sb.6.9355] SB6,9355

[(ἔτους)   ̣  ̣] Παχὼν κ̣α
[διέγρ(αψεν) Εὔτυχ]ος Εὐτύχους
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ μερι]σ(μοῦ) τοπαρχ(ίας) (δραχμὰς) δ.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.lund.6.5_3 [xml]

ca. AD 187-91 ?
[Reprinted from: sb.6.9355] SB6,9355

[(ἔτους)   ̣]  ̣ Παχὼν ιγ
[διέγρ(αψεν)] Εὔτυχος Εὐτύχ(ους)
[μερισ(μοῦ) τ]οπαρχ(ίας) (δραχμὰς) δ.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.