sign in

p.mich.mchl.7 = HGV SB 12 11109 = Trismegistos 14406 = michigan.apis.1665 = sb.12.11109

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.mchl.7 [xml]

AD 164 Karanis
[Reprinted from: sb.12.11109] SB12,11109

Οὐεγέτωι στρα[τηγῷ]
Ἀρσι(νοείτου) Ἡρακλείδ[ου μερίδος καὶ διαδεχομένῳ]
καὶ τὰ κατὰ [τὴν στρατηγίαν θεμ(ίστου) καὶ Πολέμ(ωνος) μερ(ίδων)]
παρὰ Γαίου Ἰου[λίου Νίγερος Ἀντινοέως]
5Ὀσειραντινοεί[ου τοῦ καὶ Ἑρμαιέως διὰ Οὐαλερίου]
Σατορνείλου   ̣  ̣[- ca.25 - καὶ]
Γαίου Ἀπολινα[ρίου Νίγερος   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ κατὰ τὰ]
κελευσθέντα [ἀπογραφόμεθα πρὸς τὸ ἐνεστὸς δ (ἔτος)]
Ἀντωνίνου κ[αὶ Οὐήρου Καισάρων τῶν κυρίων]
10τὰς ὑπαρχούσ[ας ἡμῖν - ca.10 - περὶ κώμην]
Κερκεσοῦχα κλ[ήρου κατοικικοῦ ἠβροχηκυίας]
(ἀρούρης) 𐅵 οὔσας διὰ [σωματισμοῦ εἰς   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ Ἀκου-]
σιλάου. διὸ ἐπι[δίδομεν.]
(ἔτους) δ Ἀντωνίνου [καὶ Οὐήρου τῶν κυρίων Σεβαστῶν. ]
15Μεχεὶρ κ̣
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

To Vegetus, strategos of the Herakleides [division] of the Arsinoite nome and acting [strategos of the divisions of Themistes and Polemon(?)]. From Gaius Iulius [Niger, an Antinoite] of the Osirantinoan tribe [and Hermaian deme, through Valerius] Saturnilus [. . . and from] Gaius Apolinarius Niger th[e son. . . In accordance with the] edict, [we declare for the present 4th year] of Antoninus and [Verus, our lords the Caesars], the one-half aroura of a [catoecic] allotment which belongs to [us near the village] of Kerkesoucha [as unwatered], land which is [registered in the name of . . ., son of] Akousilaos. Therefore we submit the report.;4th year of Antoninus [and Verus, our lords the Augusti]. Mecheir 20(?).