DDbDP transcription: p.mich.12.639 [xml]
I spc ?
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1κα ξ
κβ ϙβ
κγ οβ
κδ ρ
5κε ρμδ
κϛ ρπδ
ἄλ(λαι) κϛ̣ ρπϛ
κθ κη
λ ξη
10α ἕω(ς) γ μη
δ μδ
ε ξη
η ιϛ
θ οβ
15ι σπδ
̣ ̣β ̣
(γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) Βτϙβ
ια̣ ρη
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20(γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) ̣ ̣
ζ πη
ι σβ
ιβ σ
25ιγ ξδ
ιϛ ρπη
ιζ κη
ιη ν̣η
ιθ δ
30κβ κδ
κδ ρμδ
κϛ ρκβ
ἄλ(λαι) κϛ μδ
κη λβ
35κθ κη
λ κδ̣
α̣ ἕω(ς) β νβ
γ τοβ
δ τιδ
40ϛ̣ μδ
[(γίνονται)] (δραχμαὶ) Βλβ
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
42[ -ca.?- ] μδ
κε ιβ
ἄλ(λαι) κε δ
45κη κ
κθ ιϛ
λ ἕω(ς) γ λϛ
δ η
ε ξη
50(γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) ωμϛ
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
21st: 60;22nd: 92;23rd: 72;24th: 100;25th: 144;26th: 184;26th: of another collection, 186 (drachmai);29th: 28;30th: 68;(From the) 1st to the 3rd: 48;4th: 44;5th: 68;8th: 16;9th: 72;10th. 284;. . .;Equal: 2392 drachmai.;Epeiph:;11th: 108;[- - -];Equal: . . . drachmai.;Mesore:;7th: 88;10th: 202;12th: 200;13th: 64;16th: 188;17th: 28;18th: 58;19th: 4;22nd: 24;24th: 144;26th: 122;26th: of another collection, 44 dr.;28th: 32;29th: 28;30th: 24;1st and 2nd: 52;3rd: 372;4th: 316;6th: 44;[Equal:] 2032 drachmai;[- - -];[. .]: 44;25th: 12;25th: of another collection, 4;28th: 20;29th: 16;(From) the 30th to the 3rd: 36;4th: 8;5th: 68;(Equal) 846 drachmai.