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p.mich.12.656 = HGV P.Mich. 12 656 = Trismegistos 25892 = michigan.apis.1495

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.12.656 [xml]

I spc Philadelphia?

Νεμεσίων Τρύφωνι
τῶι ἀδελφῶι χαίριν(*).
ἐροτῶ(*) σε ἀπελθῖν(*) πρὸς
τοὺς ἄρχοντας καὶ ὑποδῖξε(*)
5αὐτοῖς ὅτι ⟦  ̣⟧ Παπε̣ῖ χάριν
τοῦ ἀρχιμ[α]χεροφόρου(*) ἀνά-
στατόν με ποιεῖ ἐφ[όδ]οις̣
κοπῶν με. δ̣ειʼ(*) ἓ̣(*) δῖ(*) αὐ-
τοὺς τῶι στρατηγῶι μνη-
10σθῆναι. οὐδὲν ὀφίλωι(*) οὔτε
ἔκθεσιν οὔτε ὑποκείμενο(ν).
ἐὰν αὐτὸν μὴ ποισῃς(*) κρου-
σθῆναι, οὐ μέλλωι(*) εὐσταθεῖν.


^ 2. l. χαίρειν
^ 3. l. ἐρωτῶ
^ 3. l. ἀπελθεῖν
^ 4. l. ὑποδεῖξαι
^ 6. l. ἀρχιμ[α]χαιροφόρου
^ 8. l. διʼ
^ 8. l. ἃ
^ 8. l. δεῖ
^ 10. l. ὀφείλω
^ 12. l. ποιήσῃς
^ 13. l. μέλλω

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Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

Nemesion to Tryphon, his brother, greetings. I ask you to go to the officials and inform them that Papei, on account of the chief of the armed guards, is making me disturbed, wearing me down about his travel money; wherefore it is necessary that they appeal to the strategos. I owe nothing, either in arrears or on the current account. If you do not get rid of him, I am going to have no peace. Farewell.