DDbDP transcription: p.mich.18.769 [xml]
200 BC? Trikomia
Λυσίας Ὥρωι χαίρ[ειν.]
ὡς ἂν λάβηις τὴν
ἐπιστολὴν, πάντα̣
ὑπερθέμενος γενοῦ
5πρὸς τῶι τιναγμῶι
τοῦ κατεσπαρμένου
σησάμου φθινοπωρινοῦ
ἐν τῶι Στασικράτους
(ἑκατονταρούρου) ἰδίω[ι] κ̣λ̣ήρωι ὧι ἔχε̣ι̣
10περὶ τὴν Τρικωμίαν
[κ]α̣ὶ̣ φρόντισον ὅπως
[ ̣ ̣]τ̣όνως διατηρ̣ῆι̣ς̣
ὡ̣ς πρὸς σὲ ἡμῖν τοῦ
λόγου ἐσομένου περὶ
ἔρρωσ(ο). (ἔτους) ϛ Ἁθὺρ ϛ.
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APIS Translation (English)
Lysias to Horos, greetings. As soon as you get this letter, postpone everything and attend the shaking of the sown fall sesame on the personal allotment of Stasikrates, the holder of one hundred arourai, which he possesses near Trikomia, and see to it that you guard it energically, as you will be held accountable to us regarding these matters. Farewell. Year 6, Hathyr 6.