sign in

p.mich.3.202 = HGV P.Mich. 3 202 = Trismegistos 21341 = michigan.apis.1339

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.3.202 [xml]

AD 105 ?

Οὐαλερεία καὶ Θερμουθᾶς
ἀμφότεραι αἱ δύο Θερμουτεί-
ῳ τῇ ἀδε[λ]φῇ χαίριν(*). ὡς ⟦ε⟧
ἠρώτηκά σε καταπλέουσα
5περὶ τοῦ π̣αιδίου Θερμου-
θᾶτος ἵ̣να αὐτὸ ἄρῃς κ[α]ὶ
τροφεύσῃς κα[ὶ] μακερεία(*)
ἐὰν(*) ποισῃς(*). εἰς τὰς δύο
οἰκίας μέλλις(*) εὐφραίνεσ-
10θαι καὶ ἐξαλλάσσεσθαι.
δέξαι πέντε στατῆρες(*).
ἐὰν συνευδοκῇ(*) τρο-
φεύειν, πε̣ρισσότερον
μέλλις(*) μισθαριν(*) εὑ-
15ρισκει(*), ὡς ἐλεύθερον,
καὶ ἐξαλλαγὴν τὴν σὴν
καὶ γονεις(*) μέλλις(*) εὑρίσκειν
ἐὰν ποιησοι(*). κατάπλευσον
ἐν τῷ πλοίῳ ἵνα μεθʼ ὑ-
20μῶν(*) ἀναβῇς σὺν τῷ
παιδίῳ. κόμισαι δὲ παρὰ
τῆς μητρός μου πέν-
τε στατῆρες(*) ἂν καταβαι-
νις(*) ὡς ἀναβῶμεν {ἀνα-
25βῶμεν} ἢ τί ἂν θελις(*)
λάβε. ἐρωτῶ σε κατα-
πλεῦσε(*) ἵνα εὐτυχήσῃς.
ἄλλο γὰρ ἐλεύθερον ἄλλο
(ἔτους) η Τραιανοῦ τοῦ κυρίου, Παχὼν ι.
ἀπ[όδο]ς̣ Θερμ̣[ο]υθε[ί]ῳ ἐ̣[ν] ☓ Ἐσωέσω παρὰ   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ᾳ Θευδόρο̣υ̣
π̣αρὰ Οὐαλερείας.


^ r.3. l. χαίρειν
^ r.7. l. μακαρία
^ r.8. corr. ex εαμ
^ r.8. l. ποιήσῃς
^ r.9. l. μέλλεις
^ r.11. l. στατῆρας
^ r.12. corr. ex συνευδ⟦κ̣⟧
^ r.14. l. μέλλεις
^ r.14. l. μισθάριον
^ r.14-15. l. εὑ |ρίσκει<ν>
^ r.17. l. γονέας
^ r.17. l. μέλλεις
^ r.18. l. ποιήσῃς
^ r.19-20. l. ἡ |μῶν
^ r.23. l. στατῆρας
^ r.23-24. l. καταβαί |νῃ
^ r.25. l. θέλῃ
^ r.26-27. l. κατα |πλεῦσαι

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

(Recto);;Valeria and Thermouthas both to Thermouthion their sister, greeting. As I asked you when I was on the point of sailing down, regarding the child of Thermouthas, take and rear it, and you will be happy if you do. With references to the two houses, you will find joy and pleasure. Take five staters. If you consent to rear (the child), you will receive a greater rate (than is usual) since it is free-born; and you will find your own pleasure and parents if you do it. Sail down in the boat in order that you may return with us together with the child. Bring from my mother five staters if you come down so that we may return, or take what you wish. I am asking you to sail down that you may prosperm for a free-born child is one thing, a slave child another. Farewell. Year 8 of Trajan our lord, Pachon 10.;;(Verso);;Deliver to Thermouthion in Esoeso <or Poeso?> at the house of . . . of Theodous, from Valeria.