sign in

p.mich.3.218 = HGV P.Mich. 3 218 = Trismegistos 21348 = michigan.apis.1408 = sb.3.7250

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.3.218 [xml]

AD 296 Philadelphia
[Reprinted from: sb.3.7250] SB3,7250

Πανίσκος τῇ συμβιυ(*) πολλὰ χαίρειν.
ἀσπάζομαι Ἡλιοδώ[ρ]αν τὴν θυγα-
τεραν(*) μου πολλά, καὶ [πρ]όσεχε αὐτῇ. θέ-
λω ἰδῖν(*)(*) τινος χρίαν(*) ἔχις(*). ἔγραψα
5Ἀϊῶνι καὶ ἠ(*) τι ἀφήκις(*) εἰς Ἡλίου π(όλιν) πέμ-
ψον ἐπʼ αὐτά. καὶ ἀφῆκα τὰ ἐρίδια
σεαυτῇ ἵνα ἠ(*) τι θέλις(*) ἀνηλώσῃς σε-
αυτῇ. καὶ πρόσεχε καί σου τοῖς κτῆσι,
καὶ τὰ τρία ὁλοκόττινα ποίησον αὐ-
10τὰ ποδόψελα(*) τῇ θυγατρί μου, καὶ ἑτοί-
μασον τὰ σύνεργα τοῦ κιθωνίου σου
καὶ τοῦ εἱματίου(*). καὶ ἠὰν(*) ὁ θεὸς θέλι(*)
καὶ ἔλθω βάλλω ἐκῖ̣(*) Ἄχαον. καὶ ἑτύ-
μασον(*) τὸ δερματικ[ι]ν(*) μου, καὶ ἠ(*) τι
15θέλουσιν ἀκολούθι(*) αὐ̣τοῖς. γείνωσ-
κε̣(*) [ο]ὖν ὅτι ὡς ἀδε[λφός σ]οι γράφω, οὐκ(*) ὡς
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]υμ̣[  ̣]σ̣ο̣υ̣. [ἐρρ]ῶσθαί σε εὔχο-
(perpendicular) ἀσπάζομαι τὴν μητέραν(*) σου πολ[λ]ὰ
(perpendicular) 20 καὶ Νόννεν(*) σὺν τέκνοις καὶ Σαραπίων[α].
ἀπ(όδος) τῇ συμ-
☓ παρὰ Πανίσκῳ
ἐν τῷ Μοψαρίου.


^ r,ctr.1. l. συμβίῳ
^ r,ctr.2-3. l. θυγα |τέρα
^ r,ctr.4. l. ἰδεῖν
^ r,ctr.4. l. εἰ
^ r,ctr.4. l. χρείαν
^ r,ctr.4. l. ἔχεις
^ r,ctr.5. l. εἰ
^ r,ctr.5. l. ἀφήκεις
^ r,ctr.7. l. εἰ
^ r,ctr.7. l. θέλεις
^ r,ctr.10. l. ποδόψελλα
^ r,ctr.12. l. ἱματίου
^ r,ctr.12. l. ἐὰν
^ r,ctr.12. l. θέλῃ
^ r,ctr.13. l. ἐκεῖ
^ r,ctr.13-14. l. ἑτοί |μασον
^ r,ctr.14. l. δερματίκιον
^ r,ctr.14. l. εἰ
^ r,ctr.15. l. ἀκολούθει
^ r,ctr.15-16. l. γίνωσ |κε
^ r,ctr.16. l. οὐχ
^ r,ms.19. l. μητέρα
^ r,ms.20. l. Νόννον
^ v.1-2. l. συμ |βίῳ

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

Paniskos to his wife, many greetings. I send many salutations to Heliodora, my daughter. And do you attend to her. I want you to know: if you have need of anything, I wrote to Aion (to supply your wants), and if you happen to go off to Heliopolis send (word to him) for the things you need. And I sent fleeces for yourself in order that if you want anything you may (sell them and) spend the money for yourself. And attend to your cattle, and as for the three holokottina, make anklets of them for my daughter, and make ready the materials of your chiton and your himation. And if the god wills and I come I will send Achaos there (to inform you). And make ready my leather cloak, and if they (Aion and Achaos) want anything do you follow their orders. Know, then, that I write to you as a brother, not as . . . of you <a stranger?>. I pray for your health.;(Continued in the left margin:) I send many salutations to your mother and to Nonnos and his children and to Sarapion.;;(Verso);;Deliver to my wife, from Paniskos in the house(?) of Mopsarion.