sign in

p.mich.5.250 = HGV P.Mich. 5 250 = Trismegistos 15157 = michigan.apis.2936 = michigan.apis.3168

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.5.250 [xml]

AD 18 Tebtynis

δ (ἔτους) [Τ]ιβερίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ. Μεσορῆι ἐπαγ(ομένων) ε. ἐγδόσιμον(*) ctr
Demotic 17 lines
1Ὀρσεῦς Πατ[ῦν]ις(*) μητρὸς Τασῶκις(*) γέγοναι(*) εἴς μαι(*) ἡ προκειμένη πρᾶσις ἐνάτου μέρους ψιλοῦ τόπου καθὼς πρόκιται. ἔγραψεν κ̣α̣ὶ̣ ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ Διόδωρος Ἡρακλήου διὰ τὸ μὴ ἰδεν(*)
αὐτὸν γράμμ̣[α]τ̣α. (hand 2) Χαίρεις Ἀπολλωνίου μητρὸς Θενοβεστις(*) καὶ ἡ γυνή μου Τααγ̣ό̣ρεις Παπνεβτύνιος μητρὸς Ἡραεῖτος ὁμολογοῦμεν ὁ μὲν Χαίρεις πεπραγένε(*) κα-
ταὶ(*) Αἰγυπ[τί]ας συνγραφὰς Ὀρσεῦτι Πατύνιος μητρὸς Τασουκις(*) τὸ ὑπάρχον μοι ἔνατον μέρος ψιλοῦ τόπου περιτεδιχισμένου(*) καὶ τυ(*) συνγυρον(*) παντα(*) κοι-
νου(*) καὶ δι̣α̣[ιρ]ετου(*) ἐν Ταλὶ(*) τῆς Πολέμονος μερίτος(*), ὁ͂ν(*) γίτονος(*) τοῦ ὅλου ψιλοῦ τόπου νότου κοινὴ εἴσοδος καὶ ἔξοδος, βορας(*) Παπνεβτύνιος τοῦ Φάσιτος
5οἰκία καὶ αὐ̣λ̣ή, λιβὸς Κολλούθου τοῦ Πατύνιος δοπου(*), ἀπηλιώ̣του ῥύμη βασιλική· καὶ ἀπέχω τὴν συνγεχορημένην(*) τιμὴν πᾶσαν ἐκ πλήρους καὶ βεώσω(*)
πάσι(*) βεβε[ώσ]ι(*) ἐπὶ τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον. [Τα]α̣γόρεις δὲ ἡ πρ̣ο̣γεγραμμένη τοῦ Χαίρειστος(*) γυνὴ εὐδοκῶ τῇ πράσι(*) καὶ μὴ ἐπελεύσασθαι ἐπὶ τὸν
ἅπαντα̣ [χρόνο]ν, καὶ τὰ ἄλλα ποήσομεν(*) κα[θ]ότι πρόκιται. Χαίρεις γέγραφα καὶ ὑπὲρ τῆς γυνεκός(*) μου μὴ εἰδύης(*) γράμματα.
Χαίρεις (ἐτῶν) λγ ο(ὐλὴ) ἀντι(κνημίῳ) ἀρ(ιστερῷ)
Ὀρσεῦς (ἐτῶν) μ οὐλ(ὴ) δα(κτύλῳ) (τρίτῳ) χ(ειρὸς) ἀρ(ιστερᾶς)
Ταακιᾶρ(ις) (ἐτῶν) λ οὐλ(ὴ) πή(χει) δεξιῷ.


^ msup.1. l. ἐκδόσιμον
^ ctr.1. l. Πατ[ύν]ιος
^ ctr.1. l. Τασώκιος
^ ctr.1. l. γέγονε
^ ctr.1. l. με
^ ctr.1. l. εἰδέν<αι>
^ ctr.2. l. Θενοβέστιος
^ ctr.2. l. πεπρακέναι
^ ctr.2-3. l. κα |τὰ
^ ctr.3. l. Τασούκιος
^ ctr.3. l. περιτετειχισμένου
^ ctr.3. l. τῶν
^ ctr.3. l. συγκυρόντων
^ ctr.3. l. πάντων
^ ctr.3-4. l. κοι |νῶν
^ ctr.4. l. ἀδιαιρέτων
^ ctr.4. l. Ταλεὶ
^ ctr.4. l. μερίδος
^ ctr.4. l. ὧν
^ ctr.4. l. γείτονες
^ ctr.4. l. βορρᾶ
^ ctr.5. l. τόπος
^ ctr.5. l. συγκεχωρημένην
^ ctr.5. l. βε<βαι>ώσω
^ ctr.6. l. πάσῃ
^ ctr.6. l. βεβαιώσει
^ ctr.6. l. Χαίρειτος
^ ctr.6. l. πράσει
^ ctr.7. l. ποιήσομεν
^ ctr.7. l. γυναικός
^ ctr.7. l. εἰδυίης

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

(Greek) 4th year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, 5th intercalary day of Mesore. Official copy.;;(Demotic, col. I) Year 4 of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, fifth month of summer, (the days of) illumination, (day) 5. The . . . and servant of Souchos, Chaireis, son of Apollonios, his mother being Thenobestis, has said to the farmer and servant of Souchos, Orseus, son of Patynis, his mother being Tasokis, "You have satisfied my heart with the silver [of the price] of my one-ninth share of dry vacant land which is surrounded by a wall (in the) Souchos town of Talei (in) the division of Polemon on the south side [(of) the] canal Moeris (in the) Arsinoite nome. The boundaries of this entire dry vacant lot in which this one-ninth share is located: south, the exit; north, the house and court of Panebtynis, son of Phasis; west, the places of Kollouthos, son of Patynis; east, (the) royal road. - - - this one-ninth share which is(?) written above. No man in the world, nor I likewise, shall be able to exercise authority over it, except you, from this date on. He that shall come to you [on account of it], I will cause him to be far from you on account of it, of necessity, without delay, and I will cause it to be clear for you from every writing, every document, everything in the world. If I fail to [cause] it to be clear, I will give you . . . of necessity, without delay." The woman of endowment, Taakiaris, daughter of Panebtynis, her mother being Hera, is present and says, "Do everything. My heart is [satisfied] concerning it. Call.";;(Demotic, col. II) Year 4 of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, fifth month of summer, (the days of) illumination, (day) 5. The . . . and servant of Souchos, Chaireis, son of Apollonios, his mother being Thenobestis, has said to the farmer and servant of [Souchos], Orseus, son of Panebtynis (sic), his [mother] being Tasokis, "I am far from you (in respect of) my one-ninth share of this dry vacant land which is surrounded by a wall (in the) Souchos town of Talei (in) the division of Polemon on the [south] side (of) the canal Moeris (in the) Arsinoite nome. The boundaries of this entire dry vacant lot in which this [one-ninth] share is located: south, the exit; north, the house and court of Panebtynis, son of Phasis; west, the places of Kollouthos, son of Panebtynis (sic); east, the royal road. - - -. No man (in the) world, nor I likewise, [shall be able] to exercise authority over it, except you, from this date on. He that shall come to you on account [of it], I will cause him to be far from you in respect of it, of necessity, without delay, and I will cause it to be clear for you (from) every writing, every document, [everything in the world]. <Thine> is every writing which has been made concerning them.";;(Greek subscriptions) (1st hand) Orseus, son of Patynis, my mother being Tasokis. The aforesaid sale of the ninth part of the vacant lot was made to me as aforesaid. Diodoros, son of Herakles, also wrote for him because he is illiterate.;(2nd hand) We, Chaireis, son of Apollonios, my mother being Thenobestis, and my mife Taagoreis, daughter of Papnebtynis, her mother being Heraeis, acknowledge that I, Chaireis, have sold, in accordance with the Egyptian contracts, to Orseus, son of Patynis, his mother being Tasokis, the ninth part of a walled vacant lot that belongs to me and of all the appurtenances common and undivided, in Talei of the division of Polemon; the neighbors of the whole lot being on the south the common entrance and exit, on the north the house and court of Papnebtynis, son of Phasis, on the west the lot of Kollouthos, son of Patynis, on the east the royal road. I have received the entire price agreed upon, in full, and I guarantee the sale with every guarantee forever. I, Taagoreis, the aforesaid wife of Chaireis, consent to the sale and agree not to proceed against it forever, and we shall do the other things as aforesaid. I, Chaireis, wrote also for my wife because she is illiterate.;;(Note of a grapheion scribe) Chaireis, 33 years old, with a scar on his left shin.;Orseus, 40 years old, with a scar on the 3rd finger of his left hand.;Taakiaris, 30 years old, with a scar on her right forearm.

APIS Translation (English)

(Greek) 4th year of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, 5th intercalary day of Mesore. Official copy.;;(Demotic, col. I) Year 4 of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, fifth month of summer, (the days of) illumination, (day) 5. The . . . and servant of Souchos, Chaireis, son of Apollonios, his mother being Thenobestis, has said to the farmer and servant of Souchos, Orseus, son of Patynis, his mother being Tasokis, "You have satisfied my heart with the silver [of the price] of my one-ninth share of dry vacant land which is surrounded by a wall (in the) Souchos town of Talei (in) the division of Polemon on the south side [(of) the] canal Moeris (in the) Arsinoite nome. The boundaries of this entire dry vacant lot in which this one-ninth share is located: south, the exit; north, the house and court of Panebtynis, son of Phasis; west, the places of Kollouthos, son of Patynis; east, (the) royal road. - - - this one-ninth share which is(?) written above. No man in the world, nor I likewise, shall be able to exercise authority over it, except you, from this date on. He that shall come to you [on account of it], I will cause him to be far from you on account of it, of necessity, without delay, and I will cause it to be clear for you from every writing, every document, everything in the world. If I fail to [cause] it to be clear, I will give you . . . of necessity, without delay." The woman of endowment, Taakiaris, daughter of Panebtynis, her mother being Hera, is present and says, "Do everything. My heart is [satisfied] concerning it. Call.";;(Demotic, col. II) Year 4 of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, fifth month of summer, (the days of) illumination, (day) 5. The . . . and servant of Souchos, Chaireis, son of Apollonios, his mother being Thenobestis, has said to the farmer and servant of [Souchos], Orseus, son of Panebtynis (sic), his [mother] being Tasokis, "I am far from you (in respect of) my one-ninth share of this dry vacant land which is surrounded by a wall (in the) Souchos town of Talei (in) the division of Polemon on the [south] side (of) the canal Moeris (in the) Arsinoite nome. The boundaries of this entire dry vacant lot in which this [one-ninth] share is located: south, the exit; north, the house and court of Panebtynis, son of Phasis; west, the places of Kollouthos, son of Panebtynis (sic); east, the royal road. - - -. No man (in the) world, nor I likewise, [shall be able] to exercise authority over it, except you, from this date on. He that shall come to you on account [of it], I will cause him to be far from you in respect of it, of necessity, without delay, and I will cause it to be clear for you (from) every writing, every document, [everything in the world]. <Thine> is every writing which has been made concerning them.";;(Greek subscriptions) (1st hand) Orseus, son of Patynis, my mother being Tasokis. The aforesaid sale of the ninth part of the vacant lot was made to me as aforesaid. Diodoros, son of Herakles, also wrote for him because he is illiterate.;(2nd hand) We, Chaireis, son of Apollonios, my mother being Thenobestis, and my mife Taagoreis, daughter of Papnebtynis, her mother being Heraeis, acknowledge that I, Chaireis, have sold, in accordance with the Egyptian contracts, to Orseus, son of Patynis, his mother being Tasokis, the ninth part of a walled vacant lot that belongs to me and of all the appurtenances common and undivided, in Talei of the division of Polemon; the neighbors of the whole lot being on the south the common entrance and exit, on the north the house and court of Papnebtynis, son of Phasis, on the west the lot of Kollouthos, son of Patynis, on the east the royal road. I have received the entire price agreed upon, in full, and I guarantee the sale with every guarantee forever. I, Taagoreis, the aforesaid wife of Chaireis, consent to the sale and agree not to proceed against it forever, and we shall do the other things as aforesaid. I, Chaireis, wrote also for my wife because she is illiterate.;;(Note of a grapheion scribe) Chaireis, 33 years old, with a scar on his left shin.;Orseus, 40 years old, with a scar on the 3rd finger of his left hand.;Taakiaris, 30 years old, with a scar on her right forearm.