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p.mich.9.547 = HGV P.Mich. 9 547 = Trismegistos 12040 = michigan.apis.2376

DDbDP transcription: p.mich.9.547 [xml]

AD 298 Karanis

Αὐρήλιοι Σεμπρώνιος καὶ
Ἀγαθεῖνος καὶ οἱ λοι(ποὶ)(*) ἐπιμελη-
ταὶ παλλίων Αὐρηλίῳ Πτολ-
λαρίωνι κωμάρχῃ Καρανί-
5δος χαίρειν. παρελάβα-
μεν(*) παρὰ σο̣ῦ̣ ὑ(πὲρ) τῆς αὐτῆς
κώμης πάλλιον ἕν, (γίνεται) πάλ(λιον) α.
Αὐρ(ήλιος) Σεμπρώνιος ἔγραψα τὰ ὅλα.
(ἔτους) ιδ καὶ ιγ καὶ ϛ, Παῦνι κα.


^ 2. BL 7.113 : Σιλόι(ς) prev. ed.
^ 5-6. l. παρελάβο |μεν

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APIS Translation (English)

Aurelii Sempronius and Agatheinos and the other supervisors of cloaks, to Aurelius Ptollarion, komarch of Karanis, greetings. We have received from you on behalf of the same village one cloak, equals 1 cloak. I, Aurelius Sempronius, wrote the entire receipt. 14th and 13th and 6th year, Pauni 21.