sign in

p.monts.roca.4.74 = HGV P.Monts. Roca 4 74 = Trismegistos 128346 = p.poethke.38

DDbDP transcription: p.monts.roca.4.74 [xml]

[Reprinted from: p.poethke.38] P.Poethke 38

[† σὺν] θ(εῷ). Μεσο(ρὴ) ε ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίωνος) ια. [ἔσ]χ(ον) δ(ιὰ) Μην(ᾶ) Σα̣ραπάμμω(νος)
στρα(τιώτου) ἀπὸ διαγρ(αφῆς)(*) (καὶ) δ̣[η]μο(σίων) κανώ(νος) δεκάτ(ης) [ἰ](ν)δ(ικτίωνος) (καὶ) δ(α)π(άνης) ια ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίωνος)
ἀρ(ι)θ(μίου) νο(μίσματος) γ´ τρίτο[ν]. \σημ(εῖον)/ ††† /Κλαυδ(ίου)\ Κλαύδ(ιος) σ̣τ̣ο̣ιχ(εῖ) † Φοιβ(άμμων)
ἐλ(ά)χ(ιστος) διάκ(ονος) (καὶ) νομ̣ι̣κ(ὸς) ὑπέγρ(αψα) †
5γί(νεται) νο(μίσματος) γ´.


^ 2. P.Monts. Roca 4 74 : διαγρ(άφου) prev. ed.

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HGV 128346 Translation (English) [xml]

1  † With God; Mesore 5, indiction 11; I have received through Menas the son of Sarapammon, soldier, of the diagraphe and the demosia of the tax assessment of the 10th indiction and for dapane of the 11th indiction 1/3, one third reckoned solidus. 3  ††† sign of Claudius. Claudius agrees; I, Phoibammon most humble deacon and notary, have subscribed. Total 1/3 solidus. (Translation: S. Torallas Tovar – K.A. Worp, P.Monts.Roca 4 74)