sign in

p.nyu.1.14 = HGV P.NYU 1 14 = Trismegistos 12532 = nyu.apis.4777

DDbDP transcription: p.nyu.1.14 [xml]

ca. AD 330-340 Karanis

μερισ̣μ̣ο̣ῦ̣ μ̣ην̣ὶ̣ Ἁθὺρ
εἰς Χοία̣κ·
Οὐαλέριος (τάλαντα) (μυριάδας) β Γτ
κεφ(  ) (τάλαντα) Γ
5Ἡρᾶς (τάλαντα) Θψ
κεφ(  ) <(τάλαντα)> Γ
Ἀιῶν (τάλαντα) (μυριὰς) α Δ ⟦ψ⟧
κλη(ρονόμοι) Ταμάλει καὶ Ἀλία
(τάλαντα) Δ
10Ταπάεις (τάλαντα) Ηψν
(γίνονται) (τάλαντα) (μυριάδας) ϛ Ϛυν

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

Assessment in the month of Hathyr for Choiak. Valerius 23,300 talents, keph( ) 3,000 tal., Heras 9,700 tal., keph( ) 3,000 tal., Aion 14,000 tal., heirs of Tarnalei and Alia 4,000 tal., Tapaeis 8,750 tal., total 66,450 tal. [ed. pr.]