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p.oxy.10.1257 = HGV P.Oxy. 10 1257 = Trismegistos 21795

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.10.1257 [xml]

III spc Oxyrhynchus

Ἐπίμαχος(*) ὀνομασθεις(*) εἰς δεκαπρωτείαν(*) λιβὸς τοπαρχίας τοῦ Ὀξυρυν-
χίτου νομοῦ παρηλιξ(*) ὠν(*) {καὶ} Θωνίου(*) πατρωου(*) ὀντος(*) τοῦ Ἐπιμάχου ἐδιοίκη-
σεν τὰ κατὰ τὴν δεκαπρωτίαν,καὶ τοῦ καιροῦ λήξαντος τῆς παραδόσεως
σίτου Θέων ὁ καὶ Πλούταρχος γεν[ό]μενος ὑπομνηματογράφος νυνὶ(*)
5δὲ στρατηγουντος(*) τοῦ Τανίτου νομοῦ ἐπιστειλεν(*) Δημητρίῳ πραγματευ-
τῇ αὐτοῦ παραμετρῆσαι εἰς λόγον δημοσίων μετρημάτων ἀρ̣[τάβας ἐ-]
πὶ τοῦ (ἔτους) α ἔτους τῆς εὐτυχαιστάτης(*) ταύτης βασιλείας πε̣[ν]τ̣α̣κ̣[ο]σ̣ί̣[ας]
τῷ Θωνίῳ καὶ τῷ τούτου βοηθῷ Διονυσίῳ τῷ καὶ παρόντι. καὶ τοῦ μέ-
τρου παραδοθέντος ὑπὸ τοῦ Δημητρίου ἀκόλουθα ποιῶν ὁ βοηθὸς παρέ-
10θαιτο(*) τοῖς λόγοις τῆς δεκαπρωτείας(*), τ̣[ο]ῦτ̣ʼ ἔσ̣στιν(*), τῷ χειριστικῷ οὗ
[πρ]ο̣σ̣έ̣λ̣α̣β̣ε̣ καὶ τῷ κατʼ ἄνδρα τῷ ἐν δ[η]μοσ[ίῳ κατα]κειμένῳ διὰ̣ τ̣[ο]ῦ̣
ἐ̣π̣ι̣δοθ̣έ̣ν̣το̣ς̣ σ̣υ̣ναιρέματος τοῦ δεκαπρώ[του μηνι]αίου Ἐπεὶφ τ[οῦ]
(ἔτους) α ἔτους. Ἀμμωνίου δὲ τοῦ κρατίστου ἐπείκτου δημοσίου σίτου [τῷ Φα-]
ῶφι μηνὶ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος (ἔτους) ε ἔτους τῇ Ὀξυρυνχιτῶν πόλει α̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
15ο̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣[  ̣] ὁ̣ προειρημένος Ἐπίμαχος δεκάπρωτος προσαγαγὼν μ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣ ἐ-]
μὲ τὸν Μάξιμον ὡς̣ [ὀ]φιλόντος(*) τοῦ Θέωνος τὰς πεντακοσίας ἀρτάβ[ας]
ἐδε̣η̣σε̣ν̣(*) κ̣α̣ὶ τὰ προσόντα αὐτῷ παρασθέσθαι(*) διὰ τῶν γενομένων ὑπο-
μνημάτων ὑπὸ τοῦ στρατηγοῦ τοῦ νομοῦ ἐπὶ παρόντος Ἀμμωνίου τοῦ
κραστίτου(*) ὅτι αὐτῷ ἐμετρήθησαν τῷ λόγῳ τῆς δεκαπρωτία[ς].


^ 1. l. Ἐπιμάχου
^ 1. l. ὀνομασθέντος
^ 1. l. δεκαπρωτίαν
^ 2. l. παρήλικος
^ 2. l. ὄντος
^ 2. l. Θώνιος
^ 2. l. πατρῳὸς
^ 2. l. ὢν
^ 4. νυνϊ papyrus
^ 5. l. στρατηγῶν
^ 5. l. ἐπέστειλεν
^ 7. l. εὐτυχεστάτης
^ 9-10. l. παρέ |θετο
^ 10. l. δεκαπρωτίας
^ 10. l. ἔστιν
^ 16. l. [ὀ]φ<ει>λόντος
^ 17. l. ἐδεήσατο
^ 17. l. παραθέσθαι
^ 19. l. κρατίστου

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HGV 21795 Translation (English) [xml]

(Translation: from P.Oxy. 10) On the nomination of Epimachus to the office of decaprotus in the western toparchy of the Oxyrhynchite nome, as he was past his prime, Thonius the stepfather of Epimachus administered the business of the office. After the time for the delivery of corn had passed Theon also called Plutarchus, ex-hypomnematographus and now strategus of the Tanite nome, directed Demetrius his agent to measure out 500 artabae to the account of public dues in the first year of this most happy reign to Thonius and his assistant Dionysius, who was also present. On delivery by Demetrius of this amount the assistant followed the natural course and added it by way of supplement to the accounts of the office, that is, to the ledger of the amounts received and to the individual list lodged in the archives through the monthly summary presented by the decaprotus for Epeiph in the first year. But when his excellency Ammonius, collector of public corn-dues, was [present] in the city of Oxyrhynchus in Phaophi of the present fifth year, the aforesaid decaprotus Epimachus producing myself, Maximus, and representing that Theon owed the 500 artabae asked that the further amounts in his hands should be added through the memoranda drawn up by the strategus of the nome in the presence of his excellency Ammonius, because they had been measured out to him to the account of his office of decaprotus.