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p.oxy.10.1278 = HGV P.Oxy. 10 1278 = Trismegistos 21781

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.10.1278 [xml]

AD 214 Oxyrhynchus

ὁ[μ]ο[λ]ογοῦσι ἀλλήλοις Μ̣[άρκος Αὐρ]ή̣λ[ιο]ς̣ Ἀν-
δρ[ό]νικος ὁ [κ]αὶ Μ[ί]θρης καὶ ὡς χ[ρη]ματίζει καὶ Αὐρη-
λία Διονυσιὰς ἡ καὶ Χαιρημονὶς διὰ τοῦ ἀνδρὸς
Αὐ[ρη]λίου Ἀμμ[ωνί]ου ἀπ[ο]δεδει[γ]μένου γυμνασι[άρ]χου
5βουλευτοῦ τῆς Ὀξυρυγχε[ι]τῶν πόλεως καὶ Διδύμη ἡ καὶ
Ἀπολλωνία καὶ Λ̣η̣το̣δωρὶς ἡ καὶ Δ[ι]ονυσοθεωνὶς
ἀμφότεραι ἀφήλικες διὰ τῆς [μ]ητρὸς Πτολ[έ]μ̣ας θυγα-
τρὸς Διονυσοθέωνος γυμνασιαρχήσαντος τῆς αὐτῆς
Ὀξυρυγχειτῶν πόλεως, καὶ αὐτῆς διὰ Ἐπικράτους Διδύ-
10μου, διειρῆσθαι(*) π[ρὸ]ς ἑαυτοὺς τὴν καρπείαν οὗ ἔχουσι
ἐξ ἴσου ἐν ἐποικ[ίῳ] ἀμπελικοῦ α[ὐ]τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ κτήματος
Π̣έ̣ρκωπος λεγομ[ένο]υ π̣ερισή̣μ̣[ο]υ̣ περιστερεῶνος
ἐμφόρου ἐπὶ χρόνον ἔτη τέσσαρα ἔτι ἀπὸ α Θὼθ
τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος κγ (ἔτους) καὶ κεκληρῶσθαι τὰς μὲν ἀφήλι-
15κας τὴν καρπεί[α]ν ἐτῶν δύο τοῦ τε ἐνεστῶτος κγ (ἔτους)
[καὶ κ]ε (ἔτους) τὴν δὲ Αὐρηλίαν Διονυσιάδα τὴν καὶ Χαιρη-
[μο]νίδα τοῦ ἰσι[ό]ντος(*) κδ (ἔτους) κ̣[αὶ] τὸ̣ν̣ Α̣ὐρ̣[ή]λ̣ι̣ον
[Ἀνδρόνι]κον τὸν καὶ Μ[ί]θρ[ην ὁμοίως τοῦ κϛ (ἔτους)], κα̣ὶ̣
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]α̣λειν ἕκα[σ]τον μέρος [- ca.12 -]ου
20[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣μ]ενον χρόνον τ̣  ̣[- ca.12 -]ι̣ας
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]ε̣ιν αὐτὸν τ̣ὴν εν[- ca.14 -]ο̣υ
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]η̣ν̣   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣νην [- ca.14 - τὸ]ν̣
κ[ό]προν χωρῆσαι κατ̣ʼ ἔ̣[τος εἰς τὸ προκείμ]ε̣ν̣ο̣ν
α[ὐ]τῶν ἀμπελ[ι]κὸν κτῆμα, ἕκαστον δὲ μέρος
25π[α]ραδοῦν[αι ἑ]κ̣α̣τέρῳ τὸν αὐ[τ]ὸν περιστερε-
ῶνα(*) τῇ α τῶν ἐπαγομένων ἔμφορον,
οὐκ οὔσης ἐξουσ[ία]ς ὁποτέρῳ μέρει ἐπιβαίνειν
ο̣[ὐ]δ̣ετέρῳ ἐντὸς τοῦ προκειμένου αὐτοῦ
χρόνου. κύριον τὸ ὁμολόγημα τρισσὸν γραφὲν
30πρ[ὸς] τὸ ἕκασ[τ]ον μέρος ἔχειν μ[ον]αχόν.
(ἔτους) κγ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου
[Σ]εου[ή]ρ[ο]υ Ἀντωνίνου Παρθικοῦ Μ[ε]γίστου
Βρετανν̣ικοῦ Μεγίστ[ο]υ Γερμανικοῦ Μεγίστου Εὐσεβοῦς Σεβαστοῦ
μη(νὸς) Ἁ[δ]ρια(νοῦ) ι.
35(hand 2) Α[ὐρ]ή̣λ̣[ιο]ς Ἀμμώνιος καὶ ὡς χρη-
μα[τίζ]ω εὐδοκῶ [τ]ῷ κοινῷ
[ὁμολογή]μ̣[α]τ̣ι ὡ̣[ς πρόκειται]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ 10. l. διῃρῆσθαι
^ 17. l. εἰσιόντος
^ 25. corr. ex

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HGV 21781 Translation (English) [xml]

(Translation: from P.Oxy. 10) Marcus Aurelius Andronicus also called Mithres, and however he is styled, and Aurelia Dionysias also called Chaeremonis through her husband Aurelius Ammonius, gymnasiarch-elect, senator of Oxyrhynchus, and Didyme also called Apollonia and Letodoris also called Dionysothconis, both minors, through their mother Ptolema daughter of Dionysotheon, ex-gymnasiarch of the said city of Oxyrhynchus, herself acting through Epicrates son of Didymus, mutually acknowledge that they have divided among themselves the usufruct of the excellent productive pigeon-house owned by them in equal shares in the farmstead of their vineyard called Perkops for a further period of four years from Thoth 1 of the present 23rd year, and the minors have had allotted to them the usufruct of two years, namely, the present 23rd and the 25th year, Aurelia Dionysias also called Chaeremonis that of the coming 24th year, and Aurelius Andronicus also called Mithres similarly that of the 26th year, and cach party ...; the dung is to go annually to their aforesaid vineyard, and each party is to deliver to the other the said pigeon-house on the 1st of the intercalary days in productive condition, none of the parties having the right to molest another during his aforesaid period. This agreement,done in triplicate in order that each party may have a copy, is valid. The 23rd year of the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Parthicus Maximus Britannicus Maximus Germanicus Maximus Pius Augustus, the 10th of the month Hadrianus. (Signed) I, Aurelius Ammonius, and however I am styled, consent to this joint agreement as aforesaid. ...