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p.oxy.3.646 = HGV ZPE 207 (2018) S. 145 = Trismegistos 20688

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.3.646 [xml]

AD 117-38 Oxyrhynchus
[Reprinted in: zpe.207.145] ZPE 207 145

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 20688 Translation (English) [xml]

1  Year x of the Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian August in the month of Kaisarios, the 4th intercalary (?) day, at the city of Oxyrhynchos in the Thebaid, for good fortune. Ploution, son of Ischyrion, son of Petesiris, his mother being Heras, daughter of Didas, from the city of Oxyrhynchos, has made this will, being sane and in his right mind, in the street. 3  So long as I live I am to have full power over my own belongings to command in the way I wish, unhindered, so that the new provisions will remain valid […]. If I die with this (will), I bequeath to each of my sons - Ischyras also called Achillas being an adult, and Heras the elder (?) being an adult […] and to the infant Ploution, all three born of Sarapous, daughter of Petronios, - if each lives, and if not, to his family, jointly and in equal shares […] and […] part of the house in which there is a court and yard and other equipment and anything else which I will bequeath in any way whatsoever, 6  but except of […] big wooden […], a banquet of acacia-wood with a pallet and a weaving rod measuring five cubits […] and a four-footed seat and wooden kourikos: these shall be separately of the aforementioned Ploution […]; (when Ploution) comes of age Ischyras also called Achillas and Heras and Ploution (shall give?) to my wife and their mother, Sarapous, daughter of Petronios, […] sixty-six drachmae which I shall appoint for her. 10  If a wet nurse (?) of my sons, Herakl[…] […] from Paeimis, as long as she lives the right of dwelling without rent in the house in which I live, being in […]. No one else is allowed to transgress any of the aforementioned, and a transgressor is to forfeit […] for each attempt (against this will) both the damage and a fine of three hundred drachmae of silver, and an equal sum to the Treasury, and the foregoing provisions shall nonetheless remain valid. I bequeath nothing of my belongings to anyone else. 14  This will is valid, (hand 2) I, Ploution, son of Ischyrion, have made this will and after my death I bequeath all my (belongings) to my sons - Ischyras also called Achillas, and Heras […] and Ploution - in equal shares, except for the aforementioned banquet of acacia-wood with a pallet and the weaving rod and seat: these shall be of Ploution […]. 18  When Ploution comes of age, the three sons (shall give?) […] (to their mother) sixty-six drachmae. If the wet nurse of the sons, Herakl[…] […] (lives), the right of dwelling, as above. I am 61 years old, with a scar on my left wrist and my seal represents […]. 21  (hand 3) I, Diogenes, son of Neon, son of Diogenes, from the same city, witness the will of Ploution and I am thirty-eight years old, with a scar on my right leg and my seal represents E[…]. (hand 4) I, NN, son of NN, son of NN, from the same city, witness the will of Ploution and I am fifty-two years old, with a scar in the middle of my forehead and my seal represents […]. 25  (hand 5) I, […]kos, son of Horos, son of Horos, from the same city, witness the will of Ploution and I am xy years old, with a scar on my left […] and my seal represents Dio[…]. (hand 6) I, NN, son of NN, son of NN, from the same city, witness the will of Ploution and I am xy years old, without scars (?) and my seal represents 28  […]. (hand 7) I, Didas, son of Thonis, son of Didas, from the same city, witness the will of Ploution and I am 45 years old, with a scar on my left knee and my seal represents 30  […]. (hand 8) I, […]n, son of Heras, son of Apion, from the same city, witness to the will of Ploution and I am xy years old, with a scar on […] from the left side and my seal represent Harpokrates. […] mnemoneion of the city of Oxyrhynchos […] (Translation: T. Derda – M. Nowak, ZPE 207 (2018) 148)