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p.oxy.4.733 = HGV P.Oxy. 4 733 = Trismegistos 20433

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.4.733 [xml]

AD 147 Oxyrhynchus

ι (ἔτους) Ἀντωνεί[νου](*) Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου
Παχὼν(*) δ(*). [δ]ιέγρα(ψε) Διογ(ένει) πρά(κτορι) ἀργυ(ρικῶν)
μη̣[τροπ(όλεως)] Πλατ(είας)(*) Ἀμόις ὁ κ(αὶ) Παπο(ντῶς) Διοδώ(ρου)
ὑικ(ῆς) [τοῦ] αὐ(τοῦ) ι (ἔτους) (δραχμὴν) μίαν (πεντώβολον) (ἡμιωβέλιον), (γίνονται) (δραχμὴ) α (ὀβολοὶ) ε 𐅵.
5Τ  ̣ρ̣[  ̣  ̣]  ̣ο[  ̣  ̣]ς̣ υἱὸ(ς) μη(τρὸς) Ταπο(ντῶτος) λαογρα(φίας)
τοῦ αὐ(τοῦ) ι (ἔτους) (δραχμὰς) τ[έσ]σαρας , ὑικ(ῆς) α (ὀβολοὺς) ε 𐅵.


^ 1. l. Ἀντωνίνου
^ 2. corr. ex δαχων
^ 2. corr. ex
^ 3. BL 1.327 : Μ  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣] πλατ(είασ) prev. ed.

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HGV 20433 Translation (English) [xml]

(Translation: from P.Oxy. 4) The 10th year of Antoninus Caesar the lord, Pachon 4. Amois also called Papontos, son of Diodorus, has paid to Diogenes, collector of money taxes of M... street, for the pig-tax of the said 10th year 1 drachma 5 1/2 obols, total 1 dr. 5 1/2 ob. T..., his son, his mother being Tapontos, has paid for the poll-tax of the said roth year 4 drachmae, for the pig-tax 1 drachma 5 1/2 obols.