sign in

p.oxy.6.931 = HGV P.Oxy. 6 931 = Trismegistos 28342 = p.oxy.1.163

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.6.931 [xml]

II spc Oxyrhynchus
[Reprinted from: p.oxy.1.163] POxy1,163

Θεόπομπος Σαραπίωνι τῶι
τιμι[ω]τάτωι χαίρειν.
ὡς ἠθέλησας, κύριε, τὴν
οὐγκίαν τῆς πορφύρα[ς] ἔπεμ-
5ψα διὰ τοῦ κομίσαντος [τ]ὸ ἀπὸ
σοῦ ἐπιστόλιον φύλακος δο-
θησομενον(*) εἰς τὴν ξενίαν
\τῆι μεικρᾷ(*)/· σὲ γὰρ τῶι κρατίστωι ἡγεμόνι
ἀκολουθεῖν ἐστοχασάμην.
10ἐρρῶσθαί σε, κύριέ μου, σὺν τῆι
κρατίστηι ἀδελφῆι καὶ τῆι Κυρίλλῃ
Φαῶφι ιε.
15Σαραπίωνι στρατηγῶι Σεβεννύτου ἄνω τόπων
π(αρὰ) Θεοπόμπου


^ r.6-7. l. δο |θησομένην
^ r.8. l. μικρᾷ

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HGV 28342 Translation (English) [xml]

(Translation: from P.Oxy. 6) Theopompus to his most esteemed Sarapion, greeting. As you wished, sir, I have sent by the guard who brought the letter from you the ounce of purple to be presented at the entertainment to the little one; for I guessed that you were in attendance upon his excellency the praefect. I pray for the health of you, sir, with your excellent sister and Cyrilla. Good-bye. Phaophi 15. (Addressed) To Sarapion, strategus of the upper toparchy of the Sebennyte nome, from his friend Theopompus.