sign in

p.oxy.74.5007 = HGV P.Oxy. 74 5007 = Trismegistos 128313

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.74.5007 [xml]

παρὰ τοῦ (δεκαδάρχου) κω ⁦ vac. ? ⁩ μάρχαις(*)
καὶ δημοσίοις κώμης Πα-
ώμεως. ἐξαυτῆς λαβόντες
γράμματα φροντίσατε
5συναντῆσαί μοι μέχρι τῆς
συνορίας ὑμῶν ἅμα τῷ
πεμφθέντι νομοφύλακι.
(hand 2) seg(navi)(*).


^ 1. l. κωμάρχαις
^ 8. l. sig(navi)

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HGV 128313 Translation (English) [xml]

1 From the decurio to the comarchs and demosioi of the village of Paomis. Immediately after you receive (my) letter, see to it that you meet me with the dispatched nomophylax as far as your border. (2nd hand) I signed. (N. Gonis)