sign in

p.oxy.8.1139 = HGV P.Oxy. 8 1139 V = P.Oxy. 8 1139 R = Trismegistos 21756 = Trismegistos 21757

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.8.1139 [xml]

IV spc Oxyrhynchus

π(αρὰ) τοῦ λογιστοῦ.
μηνιάρχαις λαχανευτῶν. δότε Ἀρκαδίῳ ἐκ’σκέπτορι(*) λαχάνων
ταγὴν μίαν . σεση(μείωμαι).


^ 2. l. ἐξκέπτορι : εκ’σκεπτορι papyrus

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Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 21756 Translation (English) [xml]

(Translation: from P.Oxy. 8) From the logistes to the monthly presidents of the vegetable-sellers. Give Arcadius, exceptor, one ration of vegetables. Signed by me.