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p.petaus.32 = HGV P.Petaus 32 = Trismegistos 69522 = michigan.apis.2988 = michigan.apis.2987 = michigan.apis.2985

DDbDP transcription: p.petaus.32 [xml]

ca. AD 184/5 Ptolemais Hormou
[Reprinted from: .] tripl;Michinv6879,6880,6881

/ Πααῦς ἀπάτωρ μητρὸς Θερμούθεως
ὁμολ[ογ]ῶ ἔχιν(*) παρὰ τοῦ Σισόιτος τὰς τῆς
χρήσεως ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς χιλίας δια-
κοσίας τόκου δραχμιαίου ἃς καὶ ἀποδώσ-
5ω ἐν μηνὶ Μεσορὴ καθὼς πρόκιται. (hand 2) Σισό-
ι(*)ς Νείλου γέγονε εἰς ἐμὲ ὡς πρόκιται.


^ 2. l. ἔχειν
^ 5-6. |ϊσ papyrus

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Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

I, Paaus, of unknown father, my mother being Thermouthis, acknowledge that I have received from Sisois as a loan one-thousand two-hundred drachmai, at the interest of one drachme (per mina) per month, which I will give back in the month of Mesore, as aforesaid. (2nd hand) Sisois, son of Neilos. The agreement was made with me as aforesaid.

APIS Translation (English)

I, Paaus, of unknown father, my mother being Thermouthis, acknowledge that I have received from Sisois as a loan one-thousand two-hundred drachmai, at the interest of one drachme (per mina per month), which I will give back in the month of Mesore, as aforesaid. (2nd hand) Sisois, son of Neilos. The agreement was made with me as aforesaid.

APIS Translation (English)

I, Paaus, of unknown father, my mother being Thermouthis, acknowledge that I have received from Sisois as a loan one-thousand two-hundred drachmai, at the interest of one drachme (per mina per month), which I will give back in the month of Mesore, as aforesaid. (2nd hand) Sisois, son of Neilos. The agreement was made with me as aforesaid.