DDbDP transcription: p.petr.kleon.8 [xml]
[Reprinted from: p.petr.1.30_1] P.Petr. 1 30_1
κ̣α̣ὶ̣(*) αὐτός. ἐγράψαμέν σοι καὶ ἐν ταῖς ἔνπροσθεν ἐπιστολαῖς, ὅ[τι οὐδὲ τὰ](*)
[ ̣ ̣ ̣]ρ̣α(*) ἔχομεν οὔδε τὰ ὀθόνια. ὡς ⟦δ ̓⟧ ἂν(*) \οὖν/ λάβωμεν, π[έμψομεν. γίνωσκε δὲ]
[Σάτ]υ̣ρον(*) ὄν[τ]α̣(*) ἐν Μέμφει ἀρρωστοῦντα καὶ τ[ὰς δ]ι̣α[τ]ρ̣ι̣[βὰς ποιούμενον]
5[ἐν τ]ῶι(*) Ἀσκληπιείωι.
ἔρρω[σο. (ἔτους) -ca.?- ]
Φαρμοῦ[θι -ca.?- ]
^ 1. l. ποιεῖς
^ 1. Wilcken : ὑγιάνεις Mahaffy
^ 2. [καὶ] Mahaffy
^ 2. ὅ[τι ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] Smyly
^ 3. [ -ca.?- ]α Mahaffy : [οὔπ]ω Wilcken
^ 3. ὡς ἂν Mahaffy : ὡς ⟦⟧ ̓ ἄν or ὡς δ̣ ̓ ἄν Crönert
^ 3-4. π[όησον] Mahaffy : π[όησον, οἶσθα γὰρ τὸν] (or π[αρὰ σοῦ] or π[έμψομεν]) Witkowski : π[αραγενησόμεθα παρὰ] Crönert : [γίνωσκε δὲ | Σάτ]υρον Edgar, P.Cair.Zen. IV 59556.9
^ 4. τ̣ὸν ὄν[τ]α Witkowski : [Μ]ύρον ὄν[τ]α Wilcken
^ 4-5. τ[ημελούμενον ἐν τῶι] Radermacher in RhM 71 (1916) 154 : τ̣[ῶν πα]ρὰ [σο]ῦ χ̣[ρείαν ἔχοντα | ἐν τ]ῶι Crönert : τ[ὰς δ]ὶ̣ατ̣ρ̣[ιβὰς ποιούμενον | ἐν τ]ῶι Edgar, P.Cair.Zen. IV 59556.9
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HGV 7670 Translation (English) [xml]
1 Philonides to his father, greetings. I hope you are in good health; I am well too. 2 Also in our previous letters we have written you that we have neither the [...] nor the linen cloths. As soon as we get them, [we will [send them. 3 You should know that Sat]yros is in Memphis, ill, and that [he is staying in] the Asklepieion. Greetings. [Year ...], Pharmouthi [...]. (Translation with slight modifications: B. Van Beek in P.Petr.Kleon, p. 38, © Peeters)